Using a 3 “A” concept to develop an electronic annual leave planning system

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Wong CK(1), Tsang LF(2), Kong CY(1), Cheng HC(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, United Christian Hospital (2)Nursing Services Division, Haven of Hope Hospital
Introduction :
Using a paper-based requesting method is a conventional way to plan annual leave (AL) by nurses in our ward in the last two months of each year. In 2019, the temporary closure of our ward for recent renovation makes it impossible to do so.
Objectives :
To develop a tool for nurses to apply AL using a 3 “A” concept, that is any person, anywhere, and anytime.
Methodology :
The tool developed is based on several principles. First, it should be readily accessible by all nurses in different locations and at the same time simultaneously. Secondly, no additional cost is required. Third, it should be simple without complicated procedure for those who are not familiar to information technology. In view of these, Google Sheet was finally employed in devising the tool for us to apply for AL. Google Sheet is an excel-based developed application which is free to be used by everyone. Only the creator must have an account to run the application whereas other users can get access to the file with the hyperlink only to edit without a Google account on computer, or to edit it anywhere and anytime with a google account on their mobile device. Next,several formulae are set to instantaneously to reflect the days requested and the remaining days needed to be requested (exceptional weeks like those with PH can also be identified automatically). The automatic calculation can facilitate us to meet the minimum requirement of that year clearly and management level to monitor the progress efficiently. A Google form survey is designed to determine the satisfaction of using a Google Sheet to plan AL among nurses. Nurses in our are invited to complete the survey form between 29 Nov and 8 Dec 2019.
Result & Outcome :
90 % of nurses responded the survey. Among responses, 100% agreed that the electronic annual plan booking system is convenient to use. 100 % agreed that the system can facilitate to mark annual leave. 100% agreed that the system is easy to use. 9% encountered some difficulties during using the system such as unfamiliar with the system. Some suggested that the system can be further improved. For example, limited to certain user access only. 100 % thought that they would use the system again in future. Some suggested the system can be applied in other areas such as routine duty request. 100% were satisfied with the system. Nurses can request the AL through the Google Sheet easily, and the real-time amendment can facilitate everyone in deciding their annual leave plan. Management level can monitor the progress easily.

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