Authors (including presenting author) :
Tang KH(1), Shum KH(1), Ngan HT(1), Yip WY(1), Fung CK(1), Ngai YY(1), Cheng HK(1), Szeto L (1)
Affiliation :
(1) Department Of Anaesthesia & Operating Theatre Service
Introduction :
Resuscitator is a life saving device for airway management during resuscitation. It is important to keep resuscitator in well functionable condition prepared for emergency.
In TKOH, IDSS department is responsible in reprocessing (cleaning) and managing the stock of all resuscitator of the whole hospital.
It is difficult to keep in track of the condition status and stock level of resuscitation by manual handling. Moreover, every resuscitator need to have PM or functional test every half year, It would be difficult in keeping all the record manually.
Objectives :
As the manual handling of the resuscitator would be time consuming, we introduce the use of electronic system with the help of RFID technology to simplify the workflow.
We aim to achieve
1. Proper recording of "in &out" of the inventory record
2. Proper condition recording
3. Tracking and tracing of repair status
4. Reduce the time of inventory stock take
5. minimize the time of finding specific resuscitator during PM checking
Methodology :
Before using the electronic recording system, we first attach one RFID tag to all the resuscitator container. After that, we associate the information of the RFID tag to the record of the resuscitator.
In the system, the database associate with the EAM record, and we also add a function of showing 1.functional status, 2.Latest PM check record, record and 4.current location.
Result & Outcome :
After using the electronic recording system with RFID technology, there are number of improvement.
1. The in& out record is more accurate and become paperless
2. Condition status is available in RFID scanner, therefore we do not need to check with the system before send out to ward
3. The sequencing of repair record and time of repair can be retrieve easily
4. The time of inventory stock take reduced from over an hour to a few minutes due to the use of hand held RFID scanner.
5. The use of RFID can search for the specific resuscitator more easily.
With the use of the system and RFID technology, the management of the resuscitator become more effective and efficient.