Authors (including presenting author) :
Poon CMY(1), Chan KCY(1), Lee FCY(1), Leung AKY(1), Louie FTM(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Occupational Therapy Department, Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital, Hong Kong
Introduction :
Increasing patients undergo direct anterior approach (DAA) hip replacement in the Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital Joint Replacement Centre (AHNH-JRC), and literatures had reported its benefits with faster recovery. Occupational Therapists (OTs) have been playing an important role on educating hip precaution skills in Activities of Daily Living (ADL) for patient after total hip replacement (THR). However, patients often find confusion with the concept of hip precaution of different surgical approaches and reported difficulties in applying those precaution skills in daily life.
Objectives :
To enhance patient understanding on hip precaution skills in ADL after THR by using newly designed 3D printed goniometer.
Methodology :
In AHNH-JRC, Patients undergo multidisciplinary perioperative care and postoperative rehabilitation, which adopted fast-track clinical pathway. OTs provide specialized rehabilitation program, which aimed at early intervention to assess their home environment and rehabilitation needs. The post-operative rehabilitation aimed at facilitating early and safe discharge and engaging them to resume active lifestyle.
After THR, each patient is provided a “3D Hip Educational Package”, it consists of three special features:
1) A 3D printed goniometer is tailor-made for each patient, the fabrication of hip restriction angles are according to their individual surgical technique (either DAA or Posterior lateral approach).
2) The goniometer is portable, lightweight and user friendly, patient and caregiver can easily position it on the hip joint and measure the hip angle accurately
3) Instead of a conventional educational booklet that consists of many written information, an one-paged instruction sheet with webpage is provided. By opening the link, patient and caregiver can watch videos demonstrating the related hip precaution skills in ADL tasks. They can access to these information anywhere and anytime.
Result & Outcome :
The program started since November 2019. Positive comments collected from the participants. They reported it was a more tangible way to understand the hip precaution principle and they are more confident to perform the ADL tasks few days after THR.
To conclude, a“3D Hip Educational Package” is a creative and practical tool to facilitate both patient and their caregiver to have better understanding of hip precaution skills in ADL after their total hip surgery. Further study required evaluation on hip dislocation rate and self-efficacy in ADL performance.