Authors (including presenting author) :
Fok SW (1), Law WS (1)
Affiliation :
(1)Medical Unit, Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital
Introduction :
Patients with unstable condition requiring intensive treatment or technologic monitoring services in general ward need to transfer to a higher level of care such as high Dependency Unit / Intensive Care Unit. However, intra-hospital critically ill transfer is a high risk procedure which related to inexperience handling of transfer critically ill patient to High Dependency Unit or the guidelines were not followed properly. To ensure safe transport, all staff involved should receive related professional training and be provided with the opportunity of hands-on practice in order to demonstrate the range of competence appropriate to their role together with reinforcement of compliance to guideline on critically ill transfer is paramount.
Objectives :
Though the project, it is hoped (1) to enhance nurses' knowledge on critically ill patient transfer within hospital; (2) to enhance competency of nursing staff on intra-hospital transfer; (3) to enhance competency of nurses to use portable ventilator; and (4) to promote the nursing role at intra-hospital transfer critically ill patients.
Methodology :
An intra-hospital training workshop with practical sessions about critically ill transfer and use of portable ventilator oxylog were provided to nurses. An intra-departmental drill was held after the training with debriefing sessions were conducted to evaluate the learning process of nursing staff. In order to familiar with the use of Oxylog 3000 plus, demonstration video was provided for staff revision before and after the training workshop. Audit was carried out to each nursing staff on the usage of oxylog 3000 plus according to the checklist. To evaluate the effectiveness of the enhancement programme, pre and post multiple choice questions were collected to assess the overall improvement of the project on staff’s knowledge and competency on critically ill patient transfer within hospital. Besides, staff satisfaction survey towards the CQI project was collected to evaluate the outcome.
Result & Outcome :
The attendance rate was 100%. The knowledge of critically ill intra-hospital transfer can be enhanced after the programme. Average marks raised from 5.6 (pre-test) to 9.06 (post-test), out of 10 questions. All nurses passed the oxylog audit which 100% satisfaction rate towards the project. Nurses should well equip themselves in the transfer procedure for any emergency conditions which is unpredictable. A well-trained staff on intra-hospital critical ill transfer not only allow the patient receive intensive care to relieve acute complications, but also optimize the quality care to critically ill patients. Before the enhancement programme, nurses’ knowledge on intra-hospital transfer and the use of portable ventilator is very limited. Under the cooperation of intra-departmental drill with the backup of training sessions with practical workshop, oxylog demonstration video, intra-hospital transfer guidelines and checklist to enhance their skills and knowledge on intra-hospital transfer. The response highlighted with good recognition of improving their competency in handling critically ill transfer cases. The way forward in nurses’ competence on intra-hosptail critically ill transfer is highly recommended by means of yearly revision training workshop with practical sessions to ensure provision of quality care to achieve zero adverse effects and complications during the critically ill patient transfer.