Authors (including presenting author) :
1.Lam LC (1), Lui WY(2),Leung ML(2),Po TF(2),Au OL(3),Wong MK(1), Yeung CH (1),Yiu WY,(1),Wong CK(1),Kong CY (1),Wong NM (1)
Affiliation :
1.(1) Orthopedics & Traumatology Department, United Christian Hospital 2.(2) Occupational Therapy Department, United Christian Hospital 3.(3) Physiotherapy Department, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
The number of fall incidents in our O&T rehabilitation unit increased from 4 in 2017 to 13 in 2018. The statistic showed 33% of fall location was at toilet and patients intended to have toileting and bathing. There are discrepancies between the of daily living (ADLs) and mobility , we as a multi-disciplinary team have launched a signage of ADLs with the use of Barthel Index as a reference together with the signage of Modified Functional Ambulation Classification (MFAC) in order to promote a better communication among different parties and raise the safety awareness of the frontline staff.
Objectives :
1.To develop a better communication tool among different parties 2.To increase awareness of patients, relatives and staff on fall prevention. 3.To minimize the discrepancies between the level of ADLs performing such as toileting and bathing and ability to mobilize 4.To reduce the fall rate of ward related to the ADLs of patient
Methodology :
A nurse-led pilot study last for six months has been launched since 1st, June,2019 in the Rehabilitation Ward of the Orthopedics and Traumatology Department of the United Christian Hospital. All patients who transferred into the ward during the trial would be recruited as the participants. All the participants would receive physiotherapy and occupational therapy in the ward with an instant assessment. The results would be updated and shown on the designed signage after each training session.
Result & Outcome :
After the pilot study, only one fall incident happened over the six months. The average monthly fall rate was 0.167 during the six months of trial which has been decreased in comparison to the average monthly fall 1.08 in 2018. The preliminary result showed that the signage had clinical significance in reducing the fall risk in O&T rehabilitation ward.