Authors (including presenting author) :
Shiu WY, Cheung MC, Lam KP, Suen HP, Chan KY, Lai SY
Affiliation :
Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
Birth massage is one of the non-pharmacological pain relief method for labour pain. It was believed that positive support and nurturing touch can create more satisfactory birth experiences for women. Birth massage may also promote relaxation, sleep and reducing emotional stress during early stage of labour.
Support from significant others are crucial for pregnancy and childbirth. However, women at early stage of labour received limited support, due to the limited visiting hours at the antenatal ward. The project was aimed to promote women’s relaxation during early stage of labour, by encouraging husband to massage his partner at antenatal ward.
Objectives :
1) To investigate the effect of birth massage on promoting sleep and relaxation during early stage of labour at antenatal ward
2) To investigate the couple's perception toward birth massage at antenatal ward.
Methodology :
•Data collection from Mar 2019 to Sep 2019 •Low risk full term women at antenatal ward who are in early stage of labour were included •Birth massage and breathing control technique were taught to the couple at bedside. •Husband was encouraged to massage his partner at antenatal ward. •Pre and post questionnaires were given to evaluate couples’ perception toward birth massage at antenatal ward.
Result & Outcome :
•86 couples were invited at the antenatal ward to participate in the project. •A paired sample t-test demonstrated that the women could sleep significantly better after the birth massage.(p=0.029) •Husbands felt they were involved in the progress of labour after the birth massage (p=0.045) •87% (n=75) of the woman was satisfied/very satisfied with the birth massage at the antenatal ward •88% (n=76) of the husband was satisfied/very satisfied with the birth massage at the antenatal ward.
Conclusion: Pregnancy and birth is a precious moment to a family. Birth massage by husband not only provide support to woman’s relaxation and sleep at early stage of labour, but also offer husband the chance of involvement in the progress of labour.