Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan H(1), Yip PL(2), Leung SF (3), Lee WY (4)
Affiliation :
Department of Medicine, Haven of Hope Hospital
Introduction :
As a profession, nurses have various stresses both in life and work. It is especially dominant among the junior nurses. Other than the busy working environment, the inadequate experiences, the encountering of various grieving and negative attitudes from relatives cause them much stresses and despair sometimes. The PET program in Infirmary Service, Haven of Hope Hospital, aim to encourage the young nurses to lead a self-directed, positive thinking program through using uplifting illustrations, enhance their positive thinking, which in turn promote a positive workplace culture.
Objectives :
1 Encourage young nurses to use their creativities to inspiring the beauty of life to relieve work related stresses through uplifting and lovely illustrations 2)Empower the young nurses to participate proactively 3) Enhance a positive thinking attitude to the colleagues, patients and relatives through inspiring the ideas of life beauty and harmony in the environment.
Methodology :
The program was planned and discussed in June, 2019, and piloted in two Infirmary wards in early November, 2019. The logistics are as below: 1. Responsible team members discussed with senior on the implementation. 2. Searched the eye catching pet photos and illustrations, discussed on the appropriateness and issue of copyright to avoid the risk of plagiarism. 3. Timeline fixed. 4. Illustrations prepared, and posted up in eye catching areas, including: nursing station, corridor, computer monitor and staff rest room. 5. Review were done and feedback were collected through pre and post semi-structured quantitative questionnaire after 2 months of implementation.
Result & Outcome :
Colleagues were satisfied with the program. The post program questionnaire showed that the poster can remind them to calm down and admire the beauty. They expressed that the posters bring up a positive illustration and enhances their positive thinking. Moreover, patients and family members admired the beautiful posters which make them delight. Other than the positive feedback, the young nurses felt satisfaction and more confident during the planning and implementation of the program, that enhanced their positive working attitude.