Effect of implementing designed 3-level Stroke Care Training Program (SCTP) for Nurses in Acute Stroke Unit (ASU)

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Mok YNM(1), Yip KY(1), Lee TY(1), Chan YS(1), Wong TWD(1), Cheung CM(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Medicine, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
Introduction :
Stroke is a common cause of death and functional disability, contributing to a burden in healthcare system and discouraging nurses working in stroke care service. Although we put much effort in continuous evolution of standards and guidelines in stroke care, interpreting diagnostic imaging, limiting complications of stroke, success in improving stroke patient care by nurses can improve stroke outcomes. Studies also reported that implementation of a tailored and multifaceted Training Program can enhance nurses' knowledge, competency and adherence to evidence-based treatment. Therefore, a systematic SCTP should be well-designed to all nurses working in ASU.
Objectives :
To enhance interests, confidence, competency and job satisfaction of different tiers of nurses working in ASU
Methodology :
In 2016, we collected comment and satisfaction score from nurses working in ASU of Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital by questionnaire. In 2017, we implemented a well-designed 3-level SCTP which included: i) Level 1 – Stroke Care Orientation for new joined ASU nurses; ii) Level 2 – Tissue Plasminogen Activator (TPA) Nurse Training for trained Stroke-related Specialty Nurses; iii) Level 3 – Stroke Nurse Training for Stroke Nurse Coordinators. Supplementary Cue Cards with important stroke care message were given after completion of each level of SCTP. Evaluation forms were used to evaluate staff satisfaction and success of each level training program.
Result & Outcome :
In comparison of 2016 and 2019, % of new joined nurses received Level 1 - Orientation Training was increased from 0% to 100% and trained stroke-related specialty nurses was increased from 30% to 54% in ASU. Numbers of trained TPA Nurses were increased from 0 to 9 and trained Stroke Nurses increased from 6 to 7. Average satisfaction score working in ASU for Stroke Nurses and Specialty Nurses were improved from 4.1/5 to 4.5/5 and 4.0/5 to 4.5/5 respectively versus no significant change (4.2/5 to 4.3/5) for non-trained nurses. All agreed that the need of 3-level SCTP in ASU was response to nurses’ interests and competency. In conclusion, the findings for implementation of 3 years SCTP demonstrated positive impact for improving nurses’ confidence in stroke care and job satisfaction in ASU which subsequently, generates a collaborative effect for staff retention in stroke care service.

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