Authors (including presenting author) :
Chau RMW, Leung KKL, Woo CW, Chan JSP, Tsui AYY, Wong EYW
Introduction :
Hospital Authority(2019) has been conducting regular Patient Experience Survey on Specialist Outpatient Service to better understand patients’ experience for services enhancement based on patients’ needs. Physiotherapy Department has been evaluating patient’s feedback since 2011 as it’s not included in the corporate survey. Patient satisfaction is important multidimensional phenomenon nurturing conducive therapeutic relationship & favourable treatment outcomes. Recognition of staff endeavor in gaining patient’s appreciation can be strong staff motivator & engagement factor.
Result & Outcome :
There were 262 appreciations in 2019. Letters and cards were common form of appreciations(80%) with 9.8% being specific fabricated trophies/flags. The content analysis revealed that common areas of appreciation were caring attitude, professionalism, high quality services. The findings concurred that of local report & overseas studies on interpersonal care(e.g.staff manner, effective communication) and care process(e.g.competency(HA,2019; Hush et al.,2017) and patient involvement in decision making(Hush et al.,2017;May & Ali,2017;Moreno et al.,2019). Appreciation was significantly related to the patient attendances(r=.786,p=0.006). No correlations found in appreciation & the average staff workload nor manpower. Competent staff appeared to turn patient’s attendances as opportunity for gaining patient’s appreciation.
In facing challenge of staff recruitment & retention, a double clinical & peer mentoring program was launched for staff coaching & better engage and motivate physiotherapist staff. Explicit recognition of staff endeavor for patient’s appreciation through encouragement messages and presentation of trophies/flag at staff meeting served as potent motivator. This generation physiotherapist has higher purpose in work(Cheng,2019;Hutchinson et al.,2012) & requires frequent feedback(Jennifer et al,2018) for self-reflection in facing job requirement(Kramer et al,2018; MacMillan et al,2016). Through feedback & recognition of accomplishments, staff took pride in their performance and instilled ownership with deepened engagement. The positive reinforcement enhanced productivity, job satisfaction, team building(Yoon et al., 2017)and possibly retention(Collins,2012; Jepsen et al.,2011). The staff attrition stayed low(2.9%).
The patient appreciation analysis identified services enhancement areas and provided a regular platform for staff engagement and motivation through recognition of staff accomplishments for staff coaching, engagement and retention.