Authors (including presenting author) :
Fung YF, Chan CK, Keung TM, Wan YL
Introduction :
Department of Medicine & Geriatrics (M&G) of Caritas Medical Centre has developed an “Inhaler Technique Enhancement Program” since early of 2019. The program is to enhance the inhaler technique education to in-patients with COPD. Nursing knowledge & technique on inhaler devices are enhanced by “train the trainers” approach. Competence is achieved when nurses possess the knowledge and skills required to provide inhaler teaching to patients
Objectives :
(1)To improve the quality of inhaler device teaching in clinical area
(2)To improve nurse’s confidence & attitude toward inhaler teaching and facilitate inhaler education in clinical practices
Methodology :
An inhaler education program with on-hand devices training was conducted to nursing staff. Pre and post surveys were employed to discover nurses’ attitudes and confidences towards inhaler teaching to patients
Result & Outcome :
There were total 88 nurses participated in the study. It had significantly increase in the number of nurses reported that they are willing to enrich patients’ knowledge on inhalers devices in their education sessions, which in terms of explanation on correct dosage /frequency/devices (25%); storage of inhaler (32%); device cleansing (26%) & mouth care (25%)
Self-rating competency level in inhaler education based on 1 to 10 rating scales (1 is least competent and 10 is fully competent) was showed 88% nurses had perceived competency above-average of 6-10 scores
An inhaler education program can improve nurse attitudes & confidence towards inhaler teaching and facilitate implementation in clinical practices