HKEC End-of-life (EoL) Care Educational Talk ~ Advocacy and Awareness-Raising

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan KM
Affiliation :
Chan KM(2), Yeung WF Ellen(5), HC Fan (4), Wong YY(2), Wong MY(2), Miu PL (3), Yeung MW Rebecca (1)
Introduction :
With reference to the “Strategic Service Framework for Palliative Care”, conducting patient education in Advanced Care Planning (ACP) is one of the strategies of HKEC Palliative Care Service. To empower hospital staff, patients and their families’ understanding about future care related to dying and death and to enhanced their acceptance and readiness of earlier preparation for the last journey of life, a series of EoL Care Educational talk were organized in HKEC.
Objectives :
 To enhance participants’ understanding in

 Advance Directive & Advance Care Planning (AD&ACP)

 Enduring Powers of Attorney (EPA)

 Will

 Related Community Resources

 To encourage participants to make advance planning for their life

 To encourage open discussions about death and planning ahead.

 Navigate patients or carers to access community resource information.
Methodology :
 Three EoL education talks conducted by doctor, palliative care nurse, lawyer, social worker were conducted for clinical staff, volunteers, patients and carers

 Navigate volunteer, patients and carers to related community resource by using QR code card to healthyhkec web site

 Five-level Likert scaling Pre & Pro questionnaire was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the talks
Result & Outcome :
 In total, 350 participants including 155 clinical staff, 142 patients and carers and 53 HKEC volunteers attended the EoL Care Educational Talks

 282 participants completed the questionnaires, response rate is 88%

 Pre & Pro questionnaire showed the level of agreement with statements of understanding of the 4 core contents of the talk, “I understand on….” and the percentage change of the Pre & Pro test of “strongly agree” and “agree” of:

 AD&ACP increased from 48% to 95%

 EPA increased from 28% to 91%

 Will increased from 40% to 93%

 Related Community Resources increased from 29% to 76%

 For the agreement on the statement of “I am willing to make advance planning for my life”, the level of strongly agree” and “agree” increased from 55% to 89%.

 The agreement on the statement of “I can open discussions about death and planning with my friends and families”, the level of strongly agree” and “agree” increased from 66% to 90%.


The End-of-life Care Educational Talk attained its objectives. PRC can play a role in advocating ACP and raising public awareness on EoL Care with clinical partners/departments.

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