Authors (including presenting author) :
Wong YW(1),Kong SM(1),Cheung SP(1),Chow LF(1),Fung HY(1),Liu SC(1),Tang WY(1),Wong BC(1), Chu TK(1),Liang J(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Family Medicine and Primary Health Care, New Territories West Cluster
Introduction :
Conventional nursing care for perianal or fistula-in-ano (FIA) surgical wound is daily dressing in clinic. Sitz bath with 4% potassium permanganate solution (KMnO4) provides an alternative method to serve the same purpose, in which ambulatory patients in primary care self-care perianal surgical wounds in home.
Objectives :
To empower patients on the use of sitz bath with KMnO4 for perianal and FIA self-wound care.
Methodology :
The 2 stages of this project are: (1) Standardization of patient education materials including design of educational pamphlet and staff training (2) Patient empowerment of perianal wound care which consists of patient recruitment by nurses after wound assessment, prescription of KMnO4 by doctors, patient education by nurses, and one-week interval nursing re-
assessment. Evaluation was done by questionnaires to staff and patients.
Result & Outcome :
In the period from Jul to Aug 2019, 56 nurses were trained and 25 patients were recruited. Before empowerment, three patients (12%) knew about KMnO4 sitz bath. After education, 92% (n=23) of them felt confident using it. Majority of them (88%) had wound improved. Only one patient had vulva dermatitis and stopped sitz bath.