Incontinence-Associated Dermatitis Prevention & Management Enhancement Programme (IADPMEP) at Residential Care Home for Elderly (RCHE)

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Chau SH(1), Chu CK(1), Yeo MF(1), Lui TCN(1), HO KFN(1), Tang YMV(1), Lau YY(1), Chui WM(1), Cheung CL(1),Ko CS(1), Chan LW(1), Ng WS(1), Lo CP(2)
Affiliation :
(1)Community Nursing Services, Kowloon Hospital,(2)Department of Rehabilitation, Kowloon Hospital
Introduction :
Incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD) is caused by prolonged or chronic exposure to urine and/or stool in patients with incontinence. IAD leads considerable discomfort and Pressure Injury (PI). It is highly prevalent in geriatric care (Jan et al., 2012). In RCHE, healthcare workers find difficult to differentiate which are IAD, pressure injury or fungal rash. Therefore, enhancing healthcare workers’ knowledge and skill on IAD care is a crucial future elderly care at RCHEs. Not only reducing healthcare cost, it also improves healthcare quality at RCHEs. Therefore, KH CGAT implemented the IADPMEP in RCHEs in November 2018.
Objectives :
1. To enhance RCHEs’ staff care knowledge and awareness on IAD.

2. To reduce the incidence of newly developed IAD and PI at RCHEs.

3. To facilitate the communication between CGAT Nurses and RCHEs staff.
Methodology :
The IADPMEP was implemented in 3 phases:

Planning Phase: 11/2018 to 3/2019

- Workgroup was formed in 11/2018.

- The IADPMEP consisted of theoretical (20 mins) and practical workshop (20 mins).

• The theoretical session included etiology, classification and intervention of IAD. Not only educating RCHEs’ staff on how to differentiate which are IAD, PI or fungal infection, CGAS nurses also teaching them the principles of care for the prevention and treatment of IAD i.e. cleansing, moisturizing, and protection.

• In the practical workshop, a dummy buttock was used for simulation training. The training included hands-on skill and return demonstration of IAD care. The classification and management of IAD tips card was placed at RCHEs as reminder.

- Outcome measurements included incidence rate, i.e. newly developed PI and IAD, evaluation of learners’ knowledge on IAD (pre/ post) & satisfaction survey of course by RCHEs’ staff.

Pilot in 2 RCHEs: 4/2019 – 8/2019

- review of the pilot project

Full implementation in 23 RCHEs: 9/2019

- IAD Care training was conducted in 23 RCHEs (participants: 33 RCHEs nurses and 188 health care workers).

-On-site support was provided and the incidence of newly developed IAD and PI were monitored continuously.
Result & Outcome :

The pre and post IAD knowledge test of RCHEs staff were increased from 65.8% to 95.3%.

The newly developed of IAD and PI at RCHEs was decreased from 4.96% to 0% and from 0.18% to 0.05% respectively.

189 satisfaction surveys (86%) received from RCHEs Staff, 98.4% agreed that program can facilitate their care knowledge and communication in daily work.


Based on IADPMEP finding, it illustrated that the awareness and care knowledge of IAD in RCHEs is enhanced effectively. Moreover, the incidence rate of newly developed IAD and PI is significantly reduced. Therefore, the benefit of IADPMEP is given to patients, RCHEs staff and CGAT nurses.

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