Authors (including presenting author) :
Louie CKW(1), Cheng PH(2), Lo WK(3), Pi M(4), Kwan WSC(4)
Affiliation :
(1) OPD, HKBH, (2)A1 ward, HKBH, (3)ICT, HKBH, (4)HKBH
Introduction :
Influenza vaccination is one of the effective means to prevent influenza infection, its complications and associated hospitalization and death. Serious influenza infection can occur even in healthy individuals. It is wise to protect ourselves, families and patients. In Hong Kong Buddhist Hospital the flu vaccination coverage rate has steadily increased over the past years. However, there are still misconceptions about the vaccination among the staff especially supporting staff.
Objectives :
1. Promote influenza flu vaccination to supporting staff by education and
clarifying misconception
2. Engage hospital staff to motivate them to receive the vaccination.
Methodology :
1. Staff Education
1.1 OPD nurses responsible for staff vaccination are well trained for
1.2 Education to supporting staff. 2 identical lessons are arrnaged
for supporting staff on the topic 注射流感針的重要. The topic
stressed on interesting issues or myths such as difference between
common cold and influenza, possible common adverse reaction,
Guillain- Barre syndrome , higher risk of intensive care unit
admission if over the age of 50 caught influenza etc.
1.3 GVP Promotion Day to share information on Seasonal influenza
vaccination by Infection Control Nurses.
2. Seasonal Influenza vaccination posters have been posted up in all eye-
catching areas of the hospital.
3. Outreach vaccination service
Mobile team and on call team can provide vaccination service to
clinical and non- clinical staff. Staff could call OPD staff to
arrange vaccination to fit their duty right at their working area.
4. Full support for staff after vaccination.
All staff are encouraged to approach OPD colleagues if they encounter
any discomfort or have any enquiry after vaccination.
5. Peer encouragement
Supporting staff shared their GVP knowledge and vaccination experience
among their peers and encourage one another to receive vaccination.
6. Senior role model
Many staff of managerial grades have received vaccination as role model
for staff.
7. Recognitions and appreciation
Souvenirs are presented to the involved staff . “The first timer” will
receive a soup coupon as well as those who successfully encourage
others to vaccinate. Staff who received vaccination in 5 consecutive
years will get extra souvenirs.
Result & Outcome :
In the year of 2018/19, there were 75 supporting staff (57.25%) receive vaccination. In 2019/20, there are 99 supporting staff (73.33%) so far who receive vaccination, 26 of them (26%) received the flu vaccination for the first time.
Changing one’s behavior start from changing one’s mind. We have discussed many effective ways to engage our staff for the vaccination.