Authors (including presenting author) :
lam iu chung(1)
lam shuk yee(1)
kithelia lai (2)
ip chun yat (2)
lee po ling (2)
lam chui wai(2)
lai siu lai(2)
Introduction :
Suffering from cancer is definitely a panic experience to the patients and their family members, anxiety may arise due to many possible uncertainties ahead. Therefore, a named-nurses programme was launched in order to relieve the patients’ anxiety and show the warmth and support to them.
Objectives :
1.Orientate patients upon their first visit.
2.Build up rapport with patients by enhancing nurse-patient relationship.
3.Increase patient satisfaction during waiting time for doctors’ consultation.
Methodology :
1.Survey on patients’ knowledge on need-to-know basis for oncology services.
2.Work out an Orientation PowerPoint which was focused to the common concerns from patients.
3.A group of 4-5 new cases was assigned to one named-nurse who would provide orientation talk and care during the whole journey of first visit in Clinical Oncology OPD.
Result & Outcome :
0 Patients who have attended the named-nurses programme are invited to fill in the pre and post survey from Dec 2018 to Jan 2019. The results showed all patients agree that the programme allowed them to get more familiar with the workflow and services of oncology out-patients department.
For patients’ understanding of the named nurse service was increased from 4% to 92%. Overall 100% patients strongly agree or agree the content was useful. 96% of patients were satisfied with the environment of named-nurses programme took place. 100% of patients strongly agree or agree that the programme conducted by the nurses with clear explanation allow them to have a better understanding on the logistic in OPD.