Prevention of Pressure Injury (PPI) - Promotional Comics for Generation Y in Grantham Hospital (GH)

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Sun MP(1)(2), Yeung CH (1), Chan YH Grace (3), Wong SL Acca (1), Leung LY Elaine(2)
Affiliation :
(1) School of General Nursing, (2)Central Nursing Division, (3) Tuberculosis & Chest Medical Unit, Grantham Hospital
Introduction :
Introduction Frontline care-related support workers (Patient Care Assistant - PCA) and nursing students play an important role in the prevention of pressure injury (PPI). Promotion of PPI is very important for frontline staffs. As most of the PCA and nursing students are young generation, “Down-to-Earth貼地” educational style are the trends of this generation.
Objectives :
Aims To tailor-make the promotional materials for young generation, a series of comics for PPI were designed by the GH nursing students in 2018.
Methodology :
Result PCA and nursing students in GH were invited to participate the questionnaire as a feedback loop in December 2019. 143 questionnaires were returned with 49% PCA & 51% nursing student. Positive feedbacks were received from PCA and nursing students of different departments. Over 87.4% PCA and nursing students agreed that the PPI comics are useful in their daily skin care of patients.
Result & Outcome :
Methodology GH nursing students have designed three sets of PPI comics in 2018 under the guidance of APN (EDU) and endorsed by the Working group on Pressure Injury Management, GH. Three posters funded under Q&S, were provided to all wards in September 2019 and to be posted in unconcealed areas e.g. pantry/ staff rest room. Conclusion Young generation PCA and nursing students play an important role in the PPI. As generation Y, they accept learning with creative and fun, and they enjoy thinking outside the box. “Down-to-Earth貼地” educational style are the trends of new generation. Designing educational and promotional PPI comics from the perspective of frontline Y generation carers could be more recognized by young generation and achieved with better effects.

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