Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan YY(1), Mak CH(1), Leung HW(1), Lau MY(1), Tsang NW(1), Cheung CT(1), Lau WK(1), Wong SW(2), Lo KM(2)
Affiliation :
1.Physiotherapy Department, Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital 2.Orthopedic and Traumatology Department, Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital
Introduction :
Patients traditionally relied heavily and passively on hospital-based rehabilitation. With the corporate paradigm shift towards patient empowerment, self-motivated continuous rehabilitation is now our patient management emphasis. Our team responded through the creation of the 1st version of “Tai Po Rehabilitation Map” in 2018, locating approximately 80 exercise facilities in the Tai Po community in form of a static e-Map. It was accessible in “AHNH at One-Click” website. In order to facilitate users to locate and get to the exercise facilities, our team upgrade the Map into ‘Google Map” version with navigation features.
Objectives :
1.To emphasize patients’ continuity of rehabilitation from tertiary services to a user-oriented, community-based experience. 2.To create stronger self-motivations towards regular exercise routines 3.To enhance convenience through an interactive access to the rehabilitation map.
Methodology :
Smart devices and their applications are becoming the norm in the modern world around us. To keep abreast of time, our team launches a revolutionary “Google Version” of the Tai Po Rehabilitation Map, covering larger geographical areas and locating more than 270 rehabilitation facilities in Tai Po, with increased precision and being more informative. Detailed descriptions with photos of the exercisers aim to create a vivid image and enhance patient navigation experience around the community. Database about wheelchair, walking aids loan service and out-patient wound care centers in Tai Po are also incorporated in this map. Furthermore, this “Google’ version e-Map provides search function for the exercise facilities, providing efficient user-friendliness to the users. To facilitate usage, a bilingual user guide in both text and video formats are also available in ”AHNH at One-Click” website.
Result & Outcome :
The map was launched on 6/2020. But due to the outbreak of COVID-19 and promotion of keeping proper social distancing in community, many of the rehababilitation faciities were in closure. Therefore the propagation of the map was hindered. We plan to promote the map after stabilization of the pandemic.