Authors (including presenting author) :
WONG H(1), MOK YC(1), KONG R(2), CHAN LC(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Physiotherapy, Pok Oi Hospital, (2)Patient Resources Center, Pok Oi Hospital
Introduction :
There is an increasing demand for the management of chronic musculoskeletal pain on the health care system. Patients with chronic pain such as back and neck pain usually receive intervention from different health care professions for a long period of time. Chronic musculoskeletal pain maybe related to poor posture. Studies showed that exercises help correct posture by improving muscle strength and flexibility. Multidisciplinary approach and self-management with peer support were also important to maximize the effect brought by exercises in chronic pain management. Tai Chi Xiao Jin Chong central elongation exercises (太極小金鐘伸展運動) integrated traditional Taichi Qiqong and modern exercise physiology into 13 movements which emphasize good postural alignment, central elongation with muscle stretching and activation of the body. The incorporation of the central elongation exercises taught by physiotherapists into the peer support program organized by Patient Resources Centre of Pok Oi Hospital aims to decrease pain by better posture and improve well-being in patient with chronic musculoskeletal pain and thus reduce the reliance on the health care system.
Objectives :
To investigate the impact of Tai Chi Xiao Jin Chong central elongation exercises on pain and well-being in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain.
Methodology :
A ‘Pre-test’ vs. ‘Post-test’ design was employed for this study. Subjects were patients suffering from chronic musculoskeletal pain. They were recruited by physiotherapists in Pok Oi Hospital to join the program of Tai Chi Xiao Jin Chong central elongation exercises at Patient Resources Center of Pok Oi Hospital. The program was a peer support group and comprised of a 6-week exercise class taught by a physiotherapist. Outcome measures were patient self-rated scores which included pain level, health status and self-efficacy in managing pain. The body height was also used to assess the posture of the subjects in the first and the last week of the program.
Result & Outcome :
A total of 12 patients (2 males and 10 females) completed the 6-week program in October and November 2019. There were improvements in pain level, posture and self-rated scores after the program. The pain level decreased from 4.40±2.27 points (out of 10) to 3.90±2.02 points. The self-perceived health status improved from 1.3±0.82 points (out of 5) to 1.6±0.84 points. The self-rated confidence improved from 5.75±2.01 points (out of 10) to 6.75±2.10 points. The height of the subjects increased form 157.0±7.5cm to 157.6±7.5cm. The average height gain in each subject was 0.60±0.38cm. The incorporation of Tai Chi Xiao Jin Chong central elongation exercises into peer group was effective to decrease pain by correcting posture and improve well-being of patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain. Therefore, it may decrease the demand on health care system for pain management.