Evaluation of Pilot Self-care Enhancement Program in Princess Margaret Hospital from Healthcare Provider’s Prospective

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Lee KL(1), Law WY(1), Tang WY(1), Ngan LY(1), Chan SY(1), Ho WS(1), Choi YS(1), Lau MT(1), Wong YC(1), Choi SH(2), Chan LH(2), Lam CW(2), Wong MH(3), Cheng YY(4)
Affiliation :
(1) Occupational Therapy Department, (2) Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, (3) Department of Surgery, (4) Department of Medicine and Geriatrics
Introduction :
The Occupational Therapy Department in our hospital has introduced a Self-care Enhancement Program (SEP) for geriatric hip fracture patients in Princess Margaret Hospital since March 2018 in mixed surgical ward. With the success of the pilot project, the SEP was promoted to orthopaedic and geriatric wards since 2019. The SEP aims to enhance self efficacy in performing activities of daily living (ADL) tasks for both patients, caregivers, and allow a second language for communication and treatment provision between healthcare providers.
Objectives :
After 1.5 year of SEP enactment, this project aims to (1) evaluate the satisfaction rate of the program from healthcare provider’s prospective; (2) exploring ways of improvement for the program;
Methodology :
A user survey was designed to collect feedback and satisfaction rate for the program. It comprised of 7 questions with scoring in Likert scale (from totally agree to totally disagree). There was also an open ended question, allowing users to give additional opinions. The survey was distributed and collected amongst healthcare providers with different disciplines in mixed surgical, orthopaedic and geriatric wards.
Result & Outcome :
A total of 67 questionnaires were collected during September to October 2019. The participating disciplines included medical officer (4%), nurse (37%), allied health professional (46%), and personal care assistant (9%). 91% agree that SEP helps to improve one’s self efficacy in performing ADL and early participation in rehabilitation training. 99% agree that SEP allows quick and easy understanding of patient’s ADL performance for ward staff. 97% agree that SEP allows healthcare provider to render prompt and efficient nursing and caring to the patients. All agree that SEP facilitates a better communication between patients / caregivers with them during routine treatment / training. While 99% agree that SEP facilitates a better communication between disciplines. 94% agree that SEP fosters a better discharge planning for the patients / caregivers. 97% agree that SEP should be promoted to other wards. User comments collected are (1) good initiative; (2) to indicate side of affected leg for hip fracture patient; (3) to specify mode of feeding in the signage system; (4) signage design is not arousing enough at certain ward environment.

Positive feedback was obtained from healthcare providers after the implementation of SEP. Nearly all (91-100%) users agrees that the SEP helps to improve patient’s self efficacy, foster caring and communication between different parties, as well as facilitate discharge planning. After receiving user’s feedback, traffic light labelling system and leg side labeling were added to the signage system. With the expansion of SEP in different wards, it is hoped that more patients, caregivers and healthcare providers could be benefited.

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