Go Smart: Paperless “Leave Request Planning for Annual Leaves” System in United Christian Hospital Intensive Care Unit

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Fung C(1), Chung WY(1), Chan WY(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Intensive Care Unit, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
“Smart Hospital” is the main theme promoting in KEC. Many e-platforms are developed to improve healthcare service. In ward management, we have to go “Smart” as to improve the efficiency and enhance quality of service.

Managing requests of annual leaves for more than 80 nursing staffs in ICU is a challenge. Requesting spreadsheet leads to different manual errors and limited access. Narrow spacing, tiny word font and monotone paper increased the difficulties in entry and editing. Over book at hot seasons and exceeded quota request occurred. Incorrect and invalid entry happened. These caused unfairness, conflicts and frustration among ICU nurses.

For Ward Manger, checking the validity of requests and clarifying with staffs is time consuming and bothering. Drafting, transcribe the request and finalizing requests from paper to paper easily made error. The efficiency of leaves arrangement is affected.
Objectives :
(1) To improve the efficiency of annual leaves requesting process in ICU.

(2) To enhance the accuracy, compliancy and communications related to annual leaves request.

(3) To improve the patient safety in ICU.
Methodology :
The system was attached to the 26 Clinical Information System (CIS) workstations in ICU. Nurses can make leaves request at bedside, yet still observing patients. Individual password login ensured privacy. Users can make/modify their own request and allow to browse others requests. The request calendar was designed with colors, large word font and wide spacing table, which clearly display on screen. Hot seasons periods are highlighted. Color-coded symbols are used to identify requested leaves status: pending approval (blue), approved (green), approved by draw (red) and rejected (white). Individual summary of applied leaves can be showed.

For Ward Manager, annual leaves policy, rules and quotas of requests were configured to the system according to ICU and HR policy. Invalid requests are avoided. Paperwork and transcribe error was eliminated. Requesting periods can be adjusted and manipulated by Ward Manager. With few clicks, managing leaves request is much simplified and the efficiency is much increased.
Result & Outcome :
The 2020 annual leaves request was conducted by the system. All nurses agreed the system is user friendly, easy access, clear and transparent. No related error or conflict was reported. Related workload for Ward Manager is reduced and more time is reserved for ward development. The overall requesting process becomes more fair, compliancy, transparent and efficient.

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