Authors (including presenting author) :
Luk MC, Chim KM, Wu SH, Ma PK, Ng KL, Chiu WK
Affiliation :
United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
Each year around 15 patients were newly diagnosed with growth failure in the United Christian Hospital. Growth hormone treatment is indicated for different conditions causing short stature, such as growth hormone deficiency, Prader- Willi syndrome and etc. Patients adherence to the daily growth hormone treatment is needed to optimize the treatment benefit. A newer GH device, Aluttan pen injector, is introduced to the patients in order to enhance the adherence to the treatment regimen. An education programme was decided to teach the patients and their parents about the knowledge and skill of growth hormone injection since February 2019. Changing from traditional injection method to new Aluttan pen injector improves the quality of patient care.
Objectives :
(1) Enhance the knowledge and skill of growth hormone injection
(2) Improve the quality of patient care
Methodology :
23 patients adopting traditional method for growth hormone injection. In January 2019, a hormone nurse arranged an admission for these 23 patients to change to the new Aluettan pen injector. The programme started from February 2019. On scheduled date, a patient and an injection learner (usually parents) were clinically admitted to meet the hormone nurse. If necessary, a clinical pharmacist will be referred to enhance the knowledge of growth hormone medication.
Before introducing the new Aluettan pen injector, the hormone nurse assesses the patient’s adherence to treatment:
(1) Time of injection
(2) Assess the injection site, any bruises
(3) Method of injection
(4) Knowledge of growth hormone medication
The hormone nurse will commence the education programme, including:
(1) Education handbook: use of growth hormone e.g. storage, injection sites, injection technique and the best injection time
(2) A demonstration kit will be provided for practice
(3) Injection learner return demonstrate how to use new Aluetta pen injector
Result & Outcome :
From February to October 2019, 87% of patients (20/23) completed this programme and successfully change from the traditional injection to new Aluetta pen injector. 11 patients were male. 9 patients were female. 3 patients refused to change. 75% patients enhanced the injection technique. 70% patients realized the best time of injection. 80% patients understood the correct injection site. They satisfied the programme and reported that their knowledge of growth hormone injection and medication was enhanced.