Art in Hospital - Lai King Building

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Fang LY, Leung SY, Yiu MF
Affiliation :
Lai King Building, Princess Margaret Hospital
Introduction :
'Art in Hospital - Lai King Building' is to organize Art Works mainly mural painting in Lai King Building (LKB). It directly beautifies the hospital environment with colours and images. Its aim is to bring art into the hospital compound to provide pleasant environment for patient, visitors and hospital staff. The patients are comforted and encouraged in the mind, and they receive treatment in a positive and optimistic manner, using art to create a comfortable environment and relieve the tension and anxiety in the hospital. Hospital staffs, patients / relatives and volunteers are encouraged to contribute their creativity and artist skills to benefit the community.
Objectives :
(1) Promote LKB image: - Rehabilitative and community focus - Pleasant environment for different kinds of patient for rehabilitation: EOLC, Dementia care, etc... - Community engagement and integration (2) Promote team work - Among hospital staff, patients / relatives and community partners - Cultivate the sense of ownership of the Hospital
Methodology :
(1) Hospital donation fund was applied and supported for the project. (2) A working group was formed and members were invited from other disciplines including nurses, doctor, physiotherapists and occupational therapists to identify the theme of the project and mural painting locations. (3) A poster was designed and shared in hospital electronic platform for project promotion and volunteers’ recruitment. Target volunteers were hospital staff, patients, carers and community residents. (4) Training workshops on painting skill and art works designs were conducted for volunteers. (5) Provision of the art work designs were finalized and supported by working group. (6) 3 sessions on mural painting activities and a post satisfaction survey were conducted.
Result & Outcome :
Result: (1) 3 sessions of activities were held on 4/7/2019, 8/7/2019 and 25/7/2019. Each party of participants was engaged in the project. (2) Total 23 nurses, 2 doctors, 5 PT/ OT, 2 clerks, 4 patients / relatives and 20 Secondary school students participated to this project. (3) 4 day rooms, 8 nurse stations 8 side rooms were painted.

Outcomes: Post satisfaction survey was conducted. Total 16 patients relatives, 29 participants were recruited.98.5% hospital staff, 100% patients /relatives are satisfactory to this project. They all agreed that ‘Art in Hospital – Lai King Building” have positive effects on patient wellbeing and health outcomes.

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