Authors (including presenting author) :
Wong YSW, HO SFI, Leung MYR, Chan HSM
Affiliation :
Kowloon West Cluster Family Medicine and Primary Health Care, KWC FM&PHC
Introduction :
Efficient ventilation system helps to provide a comfortable working environment for workers and avoid various invisible health hazards in workplaces. This is especially important in clinical setting, as biological hazard would prevail in a suboptimal ventilated area.
Objectives :
-To ensure the delivery of efficient ventilation in clinical areas, in complying with Occupational Safety and Health Ordinace CAP 509 -To adopt a system of regular checking of ventilation system efficacy in all General Out-patient clinics of Kowloon West Cluster KWC GOPCs. -To increase staff awareness of ventilation requirement
Methodology :
-Standardization of air vents labelling with colour coding: Fresh Air Supply/ FAS (green); Air Supply/ AS (white); Exhaust Air Outlet/EAO (Orange) -Daily fever cohort room and fever consultation room checking to ensure the functioning of ventilation system to achieve negative pressure. -Record keeping
Result & Outcome :
-Standardized Air vents labelling with colour coding was implemented in all KWC GOPCS since November 2019. Pictures and examples of FAS, AS, EAO were given to APNs at nursing operation meeting and through emails prior to implementation. The importance of achieving negative pressure was emphasized. Through feedback, clarification and through the process of labelling locally in the clinics, staffs achieved a better understanding of the ventilation system. -Daily fever cohort and fever consultation room checking was implemented since 1.5.2019. Department’s OSH team site visited GOPCs with different settings of the fever cohort and fever consultation room prior to implementation. 2 methods of checking were adopted, as according to the different clinic design: room door with louver; room door without louver. Thin paper strip is used at door gap to demonstrated negative pressure achievement. Methods of checking were explained in nursing operation meeting, emails with captioned pictures and on site demonstration. Local staffs were trained by APNs. -Record of daily checking of the fever cohort and fever consultation room is kept in clinic. Staffs are required to inform OSH team early if checking suggests failure to achieve negative pressure. This is to ensure early investigation and remedial intervention could be adopted.