Authors (including presenting author) :
Shang ST, Chung WY, Chan WY, Tang SL, Huen SO, Wong M
Affiliation :
Intensive Care Unit, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
Patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) are in critical condition. Nurses need to put signage of precaution and special alert on a plastic bed-head display board for clear communication among health care workers. However, the limited bed-space and various life support equipment make it difficult for nurses to access to the bed-head display board. Also, some signage which is using non-standardized format and wording can cause misunderstanding. Therefore, by applying Enhancement of Quality of Care Project (QOCP) funding, the existing plastic bed-head display board was replaced with electronic bed-head display system which is linked up with existing ICU Clinical Information System (CIS). Nurses can choose standardized precaution/alert via CIS at bed-side and nursing station.
Objectives :
1. To prevent occupational safety and health (OSH) hazard by using easy method to put the precaution/alert signage on the bed-head display board. 2. To enhance patient safety by reducing misunderstanding on the display messages. 3. To streamline the nursing workflow by entering information via every CIS workstation.
Methodology :
The electronic bed-head display system included 21-inch smart monitor display, system software and bed-head mounting. The system is connected to existing CIS server through the wireless network. The monitor displays were mounted on each bed-head to show individual patient’s precaution/alert. The display system consists of three sections: (1) Bed number and the name of Primary Nurse; (2) Patient’s special alert; (3) Graphic icons to illustrate different precautions, e.g. infection control precaution. To allow flexibilities, five coloured templates were used to fill in the patient’s precaution/alert. Other friendliness features included display all information in one screen and reduce disturbance to patient's sleep by using the day and night display mode.
Result & Outcome :
The project was initiated in May 2018 under QOCP 2018/19. Phase one installation and application of the electronic bed-head display system in ICU bed 1-13 were completed in January 2019. After the installation, staff satisfaction surveys were conducted. The results to the electronic system showed: (1) user friendly; (2) provided clear messages; (3) improved nursing workflow; (4) prevented risk of OSH hazard; (5) Staff liked to use the system. Phase two installation and application in ICU bed 21-29 under QOCP 2019/20 was completed in December 2019. Feedback on the system enhancement is continuously collected for fine-tuning.