Authors (including presenting author) :
LAM KK(3)(5), LAW KI(1), LIM HS(2), POON YS(1)(6), SHA KY(4), CHAN I(4)(6),
Affiliation :
(1)Intensive Care Unit, (2)Department of Anaesthesiology and Pain Medicine, (3)Accident & Emergency Department, (4)Department of Medicine and Geriatrics, (5)United Christian Hospital Resuscitation Training Centre, (6) KEC Q&S Office
Introduction :
Airway management is a critical intervention during in-hospital cardiac arrest resuscitation. Timely intubation avoids aspiration, optimises ventilatory status, facilitates patient transport and improves patient outcomes. The use of Video-Assisted Laryngoscope (VAL) for intubation becomes more popular in clinical practice. It involves using a point-of-care, real-time video screen to improve glottic view and has been shown to increase intubation success. According to National Institute of Clinical Excellence, VAL is recommended for use, especially for difficult intubation scenario.
To align with the direction of smart hospital in UCH and a greater integration of technology to improve patient safety in clinical practice, we organised four identical 1.5-hour workshops to train up physicians on VAL intubation. It is a collaborative project led by resuscitation training centre, with facilitators come from anaesthesiology, emergency medicine, critical care, internal medicine and quality and safety. Thus, the instructors have a wide range of clinical experiences and expertise.
The curriculum covers evidence-base of VAL and introduces different types of VAL devices. The workshop emphasizes hand-on practice and skill transfer between different specialties. At the end of the workshop, participants are expected to demonstrate successfully the use of different VAL devices. Since we plan to organize this workshop regularly to sustain a change in clinical practice, the information on how well we organized the workshop is important to guide future development.
Objectives :
To evaluate the quality of this VAL intubation training program
Methodology :
At the end of each workshop, participants are required to complete a program evaluation form, which evaluates the overall workshop implementation, curriculum, instructor performance, confidence to use VAL tracheal intubation devices correctly, willingness to use VAL tracheal intubation in future practice.
Result & Outcome :
63 physicians joined the workshops. They are residents (35, 55.6%), Associate Consultants(18, 28.6%) and Consultant or above (10, 15.9%). Overall, most participants indicated that the workshop is very organized (very good 52.38%, outstanding 38.10%, good 9.52%). They are confident to use VAL tracheal intubation devices correctly (agree 53.97%, strongly agree 42.86%, neutral 3.17%). They are willing to use VAL tracheal intubation devices in their future practice (agree 47.62%, strongly agree 49.21%, neutral 3.17%).
This workshop demonstrates its effectiveness to train physicians to master the skills in VAL intubation. This workshop can be organized regularly to support a transformation in clinical practice.