Patients for Patient Safety Program: #see your HANDS #clean your HANDS in Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH)

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
SUEN D(1)(7), LUI SY(2)(7), LEUNG SY(5)(7), CHAN CY(3)(7), POON WL(4)(7),CHAN WM(1)(7), LEE WM(6)(7), SUEN SM(4)(7), CHAN LH(5)(7), LO CK(2)(7), Candy HO(3)(7)
Affiliation :
(1)Community Nursing Service, (2)Department of Oncology, (3)Department of Surgery, (4)Department of Neurosurgery, (5) Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, (6)Department of Infectious Disease Centre, (7)Princess Margaret Hospital
Introduction :
Effective hand hygiene is the core element to prevent the transmission of nosocomial infections in patient safety. Both healthcare workers and patients have the role to practice good hand hygiene. However, further data of patient compliance rate on practicing good hand hygiene is not available in PMH. Therefore, the program is to evaluate patient’s responses in hand hygiene practice.
Objectives :
(1)To evaluate practice, knowledge and attitude towards hand hygiene of patients in PMH. (2)To promote patient’s experience in practicing good hand hygiene through education and skill coaching. (3)To share with different departments and make success towards Hospital Authority (HA) goals by complementary partnerships in hand hygiene program.
Methodology :
A pre & post patient survey and checklist study was conducted in PMH. All convenience samples were selected including (1) conscious and alert; (2) able to communicate (3) demonstrate ability to perform hand hygiene from 5 departments including Community Nursing Service, Surgery, Oncology, Neurosurgery, and Orthopedics & Traumatology. Just in time skill coaching and education had been provided on good hand hygiene practice for each sample. Data was collected through patient survey to assess patient’s knowledge, attitude and practice on hand hygiene practice. And, the checklist was use to observe the compliance on patient’s hand hygiene technique in 4 moments (before meals, before medication, after toileting, before and after self-care procedure) before and after skill coaching.
Result & Outcome :
From July to December, 2019, a total of 60 patients were recruited. The majority age group was over 60 years (40%) (range, 18-100) and 55% were male. They had secondary education level (48%). The overall compliance rate of patient self-initiated hand hygiene moments 1- 4 was significantly increased by 61%. The compliance rate in liquid soap and alcohol-based hand rubbing > 20 seconds were increased by 73% and by 85% respectively. The compliance rate in 7 steps of hand hygiene was increased by 73%. The overall pre and post surveys showed statistically significant greater improvement in patients’ knowledge, attitude and practice on hand hygiene practice (P < 0.04, Friedman test). There have been very positive responses from patients. However, the subject number in study was small and further study on effectiveness and cross-department cooperation is needed.

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