Authors (including presenting author) :
Affiliation :
(1) Nursing Services Division, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, (2) Nursing Services Division, Tung Wah Eastern Hospital, (3) Hong Kong East Cluster
Introduction :
Nursing profession is facing the challenges of advanced technology and quick changing health care environment. An up-to-date nursing knowledge and skills are essential to deliver quality of care to patients. Therefore, the Nursing Services Division (NSD) of Hong Kong East Cluster (HKEC) has collaborated with HKEC Nurse Consultants (NC) to arrange a series of sharing forums in HKEC since July 2019.
Objectives :
The objectives of these forums are: 1, to promote update clinical practice in respective areas for enhancement of quality patient care; 2, to share result of project/ research conducted by NC and its utilizations; 3, to promote existing consultative service /project led by NC in clinical area or community; 4, to share their experience in managing complicated and high risk cases; 5, to share standard and outcome of patient care.
Methodology :
All NCs in HKEC would be invited as speakers in the series of forums from 2019 to 2021. Each forum would be held in lunch time for ONE hour with video conferencing to the HKEC hospitals. Evaluation forms would be collected to evaluate the effectiveness of the forum.
Result & Outcome :
From July to December 2019, five sharing forums including Stroke care, Palliative care, Renal Care, Diabetic care and Urology care were delivered by the NCs in different specialty areas. A total of over 1200 nurses attended the forums. The response rate of the post-forum evaluation was 81.3%. 100% of attendants satisfied with the forums.
The mean score of “obtaining up-to-date nursing knowledge and skill in related specialties”; and “content was practical for use in workplace” were 5.08/6 and 5.09/6 respectively. The participants gave positive and encouraging feedback on the forums. They appreciated the organization of the forums. The sharing forums allowed them to understand more about the services provided by NCs. The participants also found the content was rich, practical and up-to-date. They welcomed the training through video demonstration and sharing of case study. In the coming future, this series of sharing forums would be continued as scheduled.
In conclusion, the series of HKEC Nurse Consultant Forum could provide a platform for sharing up-to-date specialty-related nursing knowledge to frontline nurses so as to enhance quality of nursing care to patients.