Authors (including presenting author) :
Yu KH(1), Yeung CM(1), Leung YW(1), Yue CS(1), Sam Wong(2), Teresa Leung (3), Tong KK(4), Chu WY(5), Chow KS(1), Ngan PL(6), Ng YB(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Division of Cardiology, (2)Department of Physiotherapy, (3)Department of Occupation-therapy, (4)Department of Clinical Psychology, (5)Health Resource Centre, (6)United Ambulatory Care Centre (UACC), United Christian Hospital.
Introduction :
The Phase II Cardiac Rehabilitation Program (CRP II) is out-patient service for Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) and post-cardiac intervention patients. The aims are to improve the patients’ physical, psychological and social functions, help patients adopt a healthy lifestyle and develop a regular exercise habit in order to minimize the recurrence of cardiac event. In the past, the participation rate in CRP II was low due to the long waiting time for treadmill exercise test (TET) after heart attack (average of four months). Meanwhile, shortening of TET waiting time seems difficult without resources and timeslot. Therefore, the CRP II class was restructured to revamp the situation since 2017.
Objectives :
CRP II can be started early to enhance patient engagement and participation after restructuring.
Methodology :
The CRP II was restructured into two parts: Part one were newly designed (4 sessions: education and low intensity exercise class) to start early before part two - 12 sessions conventional cardiopulmonary exercise training. The contents of CRP II were revised and updated to improve patient’s self-care ability, including: use of TNG, angina and disease management, risk factors modification, stress coping and management, exercise training and medication management. The time to enroll in CRP II was recorded. The participation rate was reviewed. The evaluation form and pre & post questionnaire were done.
Result & Outcome :
From June 2017 to November 2019, the patients could start CRP II early around 3-4 weeks post heart attack instead of four months after TET before this program been redesigned.
216 eligible patients (number of attendance=1777) have joined the redesigned CRP II from June 2017 to November 2019. The overall attendance rate of CRP II was increased from 68% in 2016 to 80.7%. The overall attendance rate of CRP II part one was 80.8% (n=703), while part two overall attendance rate was 80.6% (n=1074). Moreover, 94.4% of them felt that part one health education program was to improve their self-care ability and confident in better disease management (average correction rate from pre 48% increased to post 84%).