Authors (including presenting author) :
Wan TC, Tang MM, Shirley Leung, Yiu M F
Affiliation :
Convalescence and Rehabilitation Unit, Lai King Building, Princess Margaret Hospital
Introduction :
Recent sentinel events demonstrated incompetent tracheostomy care at frontlines in HA hospitals. It has been found that there is 10-15% of patients under tracheostomy care in Lai King Building (LKB). In view, there is around 30-40 patients with tracheostomy tube in LKB, they are mainly located in Medicine & Geriatric Rehabilitation, Local and Central infirmary beds. The investigation panel recommended to enhance staff’s awareness on different types of tracheostomy and management; moreover to improve the documentation and handover communication that continuity of care can be delivered as well as when patient is transferred inter / intra-hospital.
Objectives :
- To provide tracheostomy lecturer with hand-on workshop for frontline staffs in LKB, designated staff as train-the-trainer in each ward - To align the standardized tracheostomy care in all LKB wards - To enhance tracheostomy care documentation in LKB
Methodology :
- Base on HAHO Guideline on Basic Nursing Standards for Patient Care Base on HAHO Guideline on Basic Nursing Standards for Patient Care Tracheostomy Tube Care (2015) and Specialty Nursing Practice Guideline on Tracheostomy Care for Adult Patient (2016), enhancement program was implemented. - In 3Q2019, two identical tracheostomy lecturer with hand-on workshop for frontline staffs were provided in LKB. - In 3Q2019, photo references of different types of long term tracheostomy tube, photo guide of tracheostomy tube change (assisted procedure) and documentation sample for tracheostomy tube change were deliver to wards. - Audit tool was developed based on reviewed the documentation related to nursing care and emergency care of tracheostomy tube after enhanced programme.
Result & Outcome :
- In end of November 2019, audit was performed in one snap shot in all LKB wards for all existing 34 real cases. Overall compliance rate was enhanced 24% to 79.43%. - In 4Q2019, 100% compliance of e-Care Plan and e-Whiteboard for patients with tracheostomy tube care.