Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan KL, Rita Leung, Maria Tso, Simon Wong
Affiliation :
Department of Family Medicine & Primary Health Care, Kowloon West Cluster, Hospital Authority
Introduction :
Medication administration safety is one of the paramount issues in nursing care. It is also important for profession to safeguard patients’ right to receive correct medication. However, parenteral medications in GOPC can be more complicated than before as there are many preparations or multiple concentrations from new referral and new nurses join our department who are unfamiliar with GOPC settings which imposed potential risk. In view of the medication incidents happened in our department, an improvement program “Simulation exercise of Safety on medication administration” was developed to enhance the medication administration safety and quality service by alignment practices to seeking advices from pharmacist and doctor for any doubtful medication administration especially parentally.
Objectives :
a. Increase the awareness of the nurses on safe medication administration b. Ensure 5 rights in medication administration c. Ensure patient safety on medication therapy d. Support nursing staff to consult pharmacists and doctors on safe medication administration in doubtful situation
Methodology :
Different proactive meetings were launched in lunch hour from 13:00-14:00 from 10 Sept – 4th Oct, 2019. Different sections were carried in different districts by WM and APN. Simulations of commonly used medication and the various preparations of medications were briefed. Errors from the past were shared to prevent further incidents. Opinions, difficulties were discussed face to face. Models were made to impress the learning process. Workflow for 3 check 5 rights and seek for advices from pharmacist and MO was reinforced. Different scenarios were delivered as follows: SSP District 16/9,23/9, 24/9; Tsuen Wan District 10/9, 11/9; Kwai Tsing District: 13/9, 20/9, 27/9, 3/10, 4/10
Result & Outcome :
All nursing staff including new comers were familiar with the medication preparation and commonly used medication in GOPC All nursing staff was reminded the process for 3 checks 5 rights as well as drug allergic history from CMS Valid prescription with correct data was reinforced by sharing the past experiences Counterchecking procedure should be carried out independently Calculation on the amount of drug injected should be carried out in caution All nursing staff knew the workflow for when and whom they should seek advices for clarification Objectives were achieved and agreed by all nursing staff that the contents helped them to get familiar with GOPC setting They knew how to seek help in GOPC and minimized medication error by getting familiar with advices workflow Patient could receive treatment safely in GOPC by nursing staff