Authors (including presenting author) :
Affiliation :
(1)Tuberculosis and Chest Unit, Grantham Hospital
Introduction :
In HA hospitals, cleaning or disinfection of environmental surfaces, daily and before and after routines, are essential elements of effective infection prevention programs in wards. However, due to busy nature of in- patient wards and manpower constraint especially of supporting staff in HKWC, manual disinfection of surfaces becomes suboptimal and affects standard cleaning and disinfection practices. In TBCU, exploration of using modern technologies to supplement traditional cleaning and disinfection practices was initiated amongst nursing team. Specimen trolley was selected as one of the focused areas. It is the ward’s daily routine to collect patient specimens such as blood, sputum, urine, stools, etc. After collection, specimens would be kept in a designated location in the ward and the non -urgent specimens were subsequently despatched to the laboratory by central portering team. Nurses, supporting staff and phlebotomists had used this trolley very frequently usually during day time. In order to provide a safe place to store the specimen to reduce specimen loss and yet to streamline the process, the nursing team of ward 7B and 7C of TBCU has formed a working group to help design a slim, multi-function with automated disinfection specimen trolley.
Objectives :
To save space: given that the trolley can serve dual purposes as a mobile cart for collection, and a storage station for the specimen after parking at a designated site. 2. To save time: All in one : with all bar code scanner, printer, PPE and segregated shelves for different type of specimen storage , and a “disinfected” surface top for holding job sheet, specimen bottle etc. 3. To improve disinfection: An automated alcohol sprayer was installed on the trolley panel. Alcohol would be automatically sprayed at designated times at night time to disinfect the trolley. An anion sterilizer is also placed inside the trolley to perform simple disinfection constantly. 4. To improve efficiency of specimen’s collection: The trolley was equipped with a power plug that charges the 2D barcode machine once every week.
Methodology :
1. Form a working team and involve ICN in the planning phase to design the workflow. 2.Source suitable trolley in local market with modification : 2.1 with door to enhance security. 2.2 with automated alcohol sprayer on top of the surface top. 2.3 with an Air purifier to keep the storage environment clean. 3. Work with Facility Management team to install folding partition as a designated parking alcove for the specimen trolley.
Result & Outcome :
To ensure the specimens to be collected in a safe and effective manner before sending to laboratory. 1. Nurses and phlebotomist can collect and store specimens in a “one-stop” manner, thereby saving time and space. 2. Provide a reliable, safe, and relatively clean storage environment.