Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan Y(1),Man SL(1),Fong LY(1);Au Yeung PY(1), Lee YL(1),Chan PY(1),Lam LS(1), Lam TM(1), Wong SH(1),Lam MH(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Haven of Hope Hospital
Introduction :
Frail elderly patients often experience multiple chronic diseases which require skilful self-management and carer support. Empowering patients and carers with knowledge and skills of managing the illnesses are thus crucial for timely discharge and prevention of repeated hospitalization. Therefore, the “Patient and Carer Education Program” (PCEP) has been developed since 2016 in Haven of Hope Hospital and four areas were focused: 1) Dementia, 2) Continence care and pressure injury prevention, 3) Diabetes Mellitus, 4) Osteoporosis care and fall prevention.
Objectives :
1)To empower patients and carers in self-management of chronic disease,
2)To smooth discharge plan,
3)To prevent unnecessary readmission.
Methodology :
Ward nurses actively screened and invited appropriate patients and carers to join the monthly PCEP. Posters with QR code were also posted in wards for promoting the program. During the PCEP, participants were asked to complete two questionnaires, before and after each session. Data was then analysed to show the subjective evaluations on the program.
Result & Outcome :
Twelve sessions were conducted in 2019, and total 120 patients and carers participated in PCEP. Results showed that majority 62.5% of participants are lack of knowledge about the topics before attending the PCEP, especially on continence care and pressure injury prevention. Over 90% of participants agreed that the program enhanced their knowledge of the topics and helped them to better take care of themselves or their family members. Very positive feedback on PCEP was received from participants. Findings suggested that PCEP is able to meet the needs of patients and carers.
Participants’ subjective evaluations on the PCEP are encouraging. Further explore the patient outcomes may need to include the number of unplanned readmission for evaluation of the effectiveness of self-management in their chronic illnesses. Online education program for patients and carers are also needed to develop in future.