Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan YWW(1), Mok CP(1), Hung KL(1),Li CK(1),Chan CY(1),Lau WS(1), Yip CS(1), Lee WH(1), Leung KC(1), Tai YW(1), Chan CC(1), So FL(1),Cheung CY(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Accident and Emergency Department, Tuen Mun Hospital
Introduction :
Patient care assistants(PCAs) are a growing and vital workforce in an Accidental & Emergency (A&E) Department. PCAs make a significant contribution to delivery of care in A&E and essential to the delivery of quality patient care. However, there is lack of standardized PCAs training and they may not have the opportunities to refresh the related training. These are a real need to improve the support they received, as well as the development in the workplace. Therefore, a team approach, staff engagement and peer support were adopted to establish a supporting staff training and development (T&D) team. Supporting staff (T&D) team was established on 2Q of 2018, members included managerial, front line nursing colleagues and PCA colleagues.
Objectives :
1. To Strengthen the new join PCAs training, training record and assessment 2. To develop a data base for the departmental PCA training 3. To organize a regular training day for PCA colleagues
Methodology :
A TMH PCAs training log book was developed, it allows each PCA to realize his/ her own competence, to recognize gaps and address them. The log book also acts as part of periodic assessment process for the PCAs. A total of two training days was conducted on 3Q 2019 for Pre hospital emergency care (PHEC) workflow. Participants were invited to complete a standardized evaluation form, which consisted to rating questions in a 6-point likert scale (1: strongly disagree to 6: strongly agree) regarding the competency and confidence in PHEC. Open-ended question were included to address the opinions and suggestions to the program.
Result & Outcome :
A total of 35 PCAs participated in these workshops. Overall, the feedbacks were strongly positive. They were more confident and competent to response to assist out-of-hospital emergency care. The overall confidence before the training was 4.62 and after the training was 5.68. With increasing demand for more complex care at A&E and the need for more qualifies PCAs. Tailor-made internal training is paramount for safe and efficient practice. Last but not least, a training platform for them to learn, share, support and appreciate are retention strategies for PCAs in A&E.