Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan KH (1) , Leung WT(2),Ho CM(2), Cheng KP(3), Wong YY(3), CHOY PS(1), Li YC(1)
Affiliation :
1 Department of Family Medicine and General Outpatient Clinic, Kowloon Central Cluster
2 Department of Occupational Therapy, Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
3.Department of Medical Social Services (HA) , Queen Elizabeth Hospita
Introduction :
Integrated Mental Health Programme (IMHP) has been developed for patients with common mental disorder in Kowloon Centre Cluster (KCC) since October 2011. The key workers will involve patients in working out an individualized management plan. Apart from individual intervention, group treatment is another great element for helping patients (Gysin-Maillart, Schwab, Soravia, Megert, & Michel, 2016). The survey involved 229 clients Out of 229 forms received, only 3 forms were incomplete.
Objectives :
The main purpose of the survey was to help improving the service provided by keyworkers.
Methodology :
The respondents who took part in this survey were patients attended individual keyworker sessions. The survey form was modified according to questionnaire source from Web. The forms were disturbed to client who attended keyworker sessions between February 2018 and March 2018. Questionnaire was only delivered once even the client attended more than one time during the survey period. The results were subjected to statistical analysis.
Result & Outcome :
Total we have 229 returns and with 3 forms were incomplete. The primary data (form data) are usually analyzed using numerical values sourced from boxes ticked by the respondents (Poloma & Gallup, 2001). In question one, Key workers effectiveness in listening majority of clients was strongly agreed only in 8 out of 229 were slightly disagreed. The pattern of responses was more or less the same for the remaining 6 questions. Most of respondents were on the side of agreeing. There were a few strong disagreements especially on question number 5 relating to the sufficiency of time for the session. The content mainly was appreciating the keyworker’s helpful attitude. There were few comments on the time of each session saying that the 30 mins per session was too rushed. One client criticized about the environment was too disturbing as there were times when staff comes in the consultation for getting items.