Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan TC(1), Luk KHJ(1), Chan HWF (1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Medicine and Geriatrics, TWGHs Fung Yiu King Hospital
Introduction :
- In daily clinical practice, there are many situations that Point of Care (POC) ultrasound machine can help. It can be used for diagnostic purpose like cardiac function assessment. It facilitates decision for clinical management. It could also help many therapeutic purposes like therapeutic drainage of pleural effusion and ascites. With the help of ultrasound, it much reduces risk of complication from different therapeutic process. However, it was not available in FYKH before year 2019. FYKH M&G hence applied for donation to purchase Vscan, a kind of POC ultrasound in 2019 to improve patient care and safety.
Objectives :
To improve patient care and safety through implementation of POC Ultrasound
Methodology :
Two POC ultrasound were donated by TWGHs 2018/2019 Year-end Board Allocation and Medical Equipment Donation Scheme (MEDS) 2018/2019. They were put in service in 2019 3Q. Doctor of FYKH M&G also attended central commissioned training POCUS.
Result & Outcome :
The 2 POC ultrasound were used for more than 60 times from 2019 3Q and 2019 4Q. 80% of them were used for diagnostic purpose e.g. assessment of cardiac function, assessment of kidney size and presence of hydronephrosis. 20% of them were used for therapeutic process e.g. guiding therapeutic pleural tapping. All doctors feel POC ultrasound facilitate their clinical practice. It also reduced number of readmission from FYKH to QMH solely for performing ultrasound.