Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan TC(1), Cheng KCA(1), Chiu KCP(2), Luk KHJ(1), Chan HWF (1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Medicine and Geriatrics, TWGHs Fung Yiu King Hospital (2)Department of Medicine, Queen Mary Hospital
Introduction :
The remote CMS coverage in HKWC CGAT is not satisfactory due to 3 major reasons. (1)Unavailability of components required for remote CMS in RCHE (computer, network or printer). (2)Only one set of remote CMS in large RCHE with many patients. (3)Low speed internet in most RCHE make remote CMS very slow and hanging of CMS very common. A novel pilot program BYOC (bring your own clinic) have been launched by HKWC CGAT since Jan 2019. Doctors bring notebook, 4G network and portable printer to RCHE using a small suitcase with wheel.
Objectives :
1. To improve remote CMS coverage in HKWC CGAT 2. To improve quality and safety for consultation and prescription in CGAT clinic sessions
Methodology :
FYKH M&G has prepared nne set of BYOC i.e. One notebook, one 4G network and one portable printer and it has been brought by different doctors to CGAT sessions. Feasibility is assessed with number of consultation and prescription printed with BYOC system in satisfactory speed. Sustainability is assessed with stakeholder feedback (doctor, pharmacy, RCHE staff and IT department).
Result & Outcome :
From Jan-2019 to Sep-2019, 800 consultation notes and 800 prescriptions have been printed with BYOC system in 40 CGAT clinic sessions. In average, 20 consultation notes and 20 prescriptions are printed by BYOC system in each CGAT clinic session. For feedback from stakeholder. A total of 21 doctors have tried BYOC during their CGAT clinic session. All doctors feel the speed is fast and comparable with speed of hospital CMS. It is easy to set up in RCHE. The weight of the BYOC system is acceptable. They all feel quality and safety of consultation improved with BYOC. All RCHE staff welcome BYOC and agree it largely improves safety. IT department feel technical support for BYOC is sustainable. Minor bugs or technical problem can be tackled by doctors making phone call. More severe problem can be tackled by doctors bringing BYOC back to hospital IT department and those problems can be solved within days. Pharmacy feel the efficiency and safety markedly improve with BYOC. In summary, the feasibility and sustainability of BYOC is satisfactory. The project has been supported by Hospital Management Committee, Cluster Management Committee, HKWC IT Committee and HAHA CGAT Working group. More BYOC system will be purchased in 2020 to ensure 100% consultation and prescription through remote CMS.