Authors (including presenting author) :
Cheng KYA(1), Mak KW(1), Lai WKM(2), Wong KWC(1), Chan YTO(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Medicine & Rehabilitation, Tung Wah Eastern Hospital (2)Department of Dietetics, Tung Wah Eastern Hospital
Introduction :
Intake and Output (I&O) Chart are used to record all fluids of a patient’s intake and output during 24 hours. Accurate I&O records can reflect patient’s hydration and nutrition status so appropriate action can be taken accordingly. However, I&O Chart was always found incompleteness and mistaken during nursing management round.
Objectives :
To raise the awareness of nurses and supporting staff in the importance of accurate I&O Chart record and to standardize the common practice and measurement in recording patient’s intake and output.
Methodology :
150 sheets I&O Charts were randomly reviewed to identify the most common errors in documentation of intake and output before the programme implementation. Two sets tailor-made teaching material were then developed to brief nursing and supporting staff. Post-implementation audit with 150 sheets of I&O Charts was conducted to evaluate the documentation compliance after staff training.
Result & Outcome :
Bedside tutorials were conducted to nursing and 17 supporting staff focused on the non-compliance items. The compliance rate of the proper documentation of I&O Chart was significant improved after staff training and reinforcement.
Pre and post evaluation in 5 most non-compliance items in I&O Chart documentation
No. Items Pre-implementation
Non-compliance rate (%)
1. Record iv antibiotics infusion - 64.3%
2. Record milk supplement intake status- 60.0%
3. Record puree/congee in portion- 54.5%
4. Correct total balance calculation - 26.7%
5. Special diet not mentioned at the bottom - 21.5%
No. Items Post-implementation
Non-compliance rate (%)
1. Record iv antibiotics infusion- 0%
2. Record milk supplement intake status- 26.4%
3. Record puree/congee in portion- 3.9%
4. Correct total balance calculation - 8.3%
5. Special diet not mentioned at the bottom - 0%