Authors (including presenting author) :
Kwong PS(1)(2),Ng LK(1)(2)
Affiliation :
(1)Ruttonjee & Tang Shiu Kin Hospitals, (2) Operating Theatre
Introduction :
Compassion in work improves place culture and relationships, and also benefits underlining objectives; such as: increasing colleague’s engagement and increasing commitment levels of team members who are working together
Objectives :
make a little fun in workplace to increase staff engagement and workplace harmonious
Methodology :
n Jun 2019, we have created a compassion challenge project in Operating Theatre which has 7 Days and Ultimate Challenge. We have a large board where everyone can see and feel the progress being made and a grand prize was given to the colleague who performed the highest.
Day 1: Say “hello” to 10 people within the first two hours of your day
Day 2: Post an inspiration sticky note here.
Day 3: Choose 2 times in your day to do something kind for a co-worker
Day 4: Keeps your cell phone in your pocket while walking in OT corridor for entire day!
Day 5: Takes 10 deep breaths! Take a moment to smile
Day 6: Shares you think colleagues are doing well
Day 7: Sticks a thank you note to a colleague here
Ultimate Challenge: Answer Which challenge did you enjoy the most and why?
Though these challenges, what did you learn? What was surprising?
Which of these challenges would you consider doing on a regular basis?
Result & Outcome :
Out of expectation, those needed to write the note having the greatest response rate. The percentage of colleague participated the project was: Day 1: 53%, Day 2: 60% , Day 3: 43%, Day 4: 43%, Day 5: 58%, Day 6: 69% , Day 7 : 38% , Ultimate Challenge : 20%
From the feedback: the project teaches them to interact positively e.g. nice greeting, do kind things, exchange thoughts, self-relaxing exercise. In future, different elements will add to sustain a positive working environment and the project is highly recommended by colleague to do as regular basis.