Authors (including presenting author) :
Ho CKA, Wu WSF, Yip YKL, Chan BY, Leung KH, Leung SH, Chan SLD, Li YC
Affiliation :
Department of Family Medicine and General Outpatient Clinics (GOPCs), Kowloon Central Cluster (KCC)
Introduction :
GOPC cover high volume of wound care needs in local communities. The widely diversed and increasingly complex wound types require enriching professional knowledge and skills to assure quality of care. To promote staff learning and professional development, GOPC wound nurses coordinated regular Wound case conferences and all nurse were supported to attend various level wound trainings with identified training needs across the three-tier collaboration model
Objectives :
1)To cultivate learning culture among nurses in KCC GOPCs
2)To promote and enhance the wound care knowledge or skills transfer of GOPC nurses
3)To promote evidence based practice in wound care service in primary health care settings
4)To ensure continuity and quality care for patients receiving wound care service in KCC GOPCs
Methodology :
Learn and share in wound management involving nurses working in GOPC wound service promote team spirit and professional development. Designated wound trainings for nurse of difference experience level in GOPCs
For New joint nurses (1st tier )
Pre-specialty GOPC In-house Training yearly: provide concept of PHC & Wound Care
Basic Wound Management in PHC Setting 2019: provide basic wound care management on different types of wound and wound products commonly in PHC settings.
Fundamental module of Post Registration Certificate Course in Wound Care Nursing
For Wound link nurses in and nurses serving in wound clinics (2nd tier)
Enhancement Program on Wound Management in QEH. The target is to train up 25% KCC FM&GOPC nurses to be second tier nurses.
PRCC in Stoma and Wound Care Nursing for advanced wound care specialty training to second tier nurses.
Regular operation and sharing meetings since 2018: regularly share good practice.
KCC FM & GOPC Wound Case Conference is conducted 3-4 times yearly since 2017: provide the platform to Nurse Consultant & nurses for sharing their experience and evidenced based practice.
Result & Outcome :
For first-tier nurses
Pre-specialty GOPC In-house Training yearly from 2018 to 2019: 40% of nurse attended (n=40).
Basic Wound Management in PHC Setting 2019: 10% registered or enrolled nurses (n=10)
Fundamental module of PRCC in Wound Care Nursing: 7% for frontline nurses attended (n=7).
For second tier nurses
8 KCC FM & GOPC Wound Case Conference including 33 topics were conducted from Dec 2017 to Sep 2019:
165 attendants & 18 speakers involved
Both participants and speakers had positive feedback of increasing wound knowledge, practical and presentation skill, and passion in wound care.
10 Wound link nurses in each clinic regularly attended wound care workgroup: 3 meeting in 2018 were held for sharing updated wound knowledge and good practice in wound care.
15 Wound clinic nurses were trained and served in 3 wound clinics; 10 wound link nurses trained and served in 10 KCC community based GOPCs
Enhancement Program on Wound Management in QEH from 2012 to 2019: 20% KCC GOPC nurses were trained to be a second tier nurses to support clinic wound care.
5 nurses were trained in PRCC in Stoma and Wound Care Nursing.