Authors (including presenting author) :
Tsang NP(1),Man SL(1),Fong LY(1),Tong YC(1),Leung BC(1), Chan WY(1), Chu YK(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Geriatric and Rehabilitation Service, Haven of Hope Hospital
Introduction :
Evidence-based nursing knowledge update is important for improving quality of care. New graduated junior Registered Nurses (RNs) are often equipped with nursing knowledge but lack the practice experience to integrate their knowledge in care. The Nursing Knowledge Enhancement Program (NKEP) therefore has been developed as a regular platform for junior RNs to share their knowledge among colleagues, but at the same time, receive guidance and help from senior nurses for better integrate their knowledge into practice.
Objectives :
NKEP aimed to: 1. Equip all nurses with up-to-date knowledge for improving quality of nursing care; 2. Enhance the self-confidence and sense of belonging of junior RNs.
Methodology :
Junior RNs were invited to conduct a regular sharing of evidence-based nursing knowledge for nurses. An APN and a senior RN were assigned as the supporters for providing guidance and assistance to the presenting junior RN. After sharing, the information would be uploaded to a designated training website for reference and adult learning of others. Participants of NKEP were invited to complete an online questionnaire afterwards for evaluating the effectiveness of the program. Univariate statistical analysis was conducted. Observations were conducted by a senior nurse, and information like atmosphere in each session and interactions between speaker and participants were captured. Informal feedback was also collected from the presenting speakers.
Result & Outcome :
Ten sessions with different nursing topics are scheduled from April 2019-June 2020. Up to Dec, 2019, six sessions were completed. Out of 18 participants, 16 participants returned the questionnaires. Majority of them (62.5%) were nurses with experience over 10 years. About 84% of them strongly agreed or agreed that the NKEP have improved their nursing knowledge update. All strongly agreed or agreed that the topics presented in the program are relevant to their work, and the speakers are well-prepared. Overall, all were satisfied with the program.
Atmosphere in each session is positive. Peer-learning was observed, e.g. a junior nurse presented the topic, and senior colleagues shared their practice experience in relation to that topic. All participants actively involved in the program. Junior nurses also rated highly of their presentation experience. They shared their anxiety during preparation, but also felt the support and guidance from the senior nurses. They agreed that the presentation experience enhanced their self-confidence and also their sense of belonging to the hospital.