Fall Prevention Program

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Li C(1), Wong Agnes(2), Cheung HL(1), Tang HY(1), Tsang KY(1), Tse WH(1), Yip SM(1),Lam Shirley (1)
Affiliation :
(1)Orthopaedic & Traumatology Department, Princess Margaret Hospital, (2)Physiotherapy department, Princess Margaret Hospital
Introduction :
Fall is the most common type of safety issues that occurs in the acute care hospital setting. Fall can cause discomfort and pain, and delayed recovery; result in increased length of stay (LOS), increased healthcare costs and decreased morale of healthcare worker. Prevention of falls has become a major focus of organizations. In 2017 and 2018, there had 31 and 26 fall incident reported in our department, the most serious index was 4. Patient falls generally have multifactorial causes and seldom can be predicted by a single variable. In O&T department, we found that most fall incident (over 60%) was happened in male ward, and the time of fall mostly happened at day time. As male patient always over-estimate self-condition and mobility, sustain fall injury due to unwilling to call for help.
Objectives :
To decrease number of fall incident in O&T department. To ensure safety of patient during hospitalization.
Methodology :
1. Form a CQI group from 4 wards of O&T department in 23rd of August 2018, Self-investigation each ward fall incident case in 2018. And invite physiotherapist as group member. 2. First meeting on 18.12.18 to set up objectives and actions of the program. 3. Design prevent Fall signage. Started utilization the Fall signage from 08.03.2019. 4. Physiotherapist would inform ward nurse about patient’s mobility level, hanged up prevention fall signage on patient’s bed to alert patient, relatives and healthcare worker that the patient need assistant when leaving bed. The signage can be post up by nurse or physiotherapist alert high risk of fall patient after admission or transferred in. 5. Provide slip resistant slipper for patient. 6. Explain to relative and patient the measures of fall prevention and obtain consent and cooperation. 7. Provide Bed Alarm system and move patient to easy observation site if applicable.
Result & Outcome :
The desired outcome of a fall prevention plan is to prevent or minimize patient falls and injury. Patient, relatives and healthcare workers’ awareness about high risk of fall was increased. From 01.01.2019 till now, our department fall incident is reduced to 18 case. However, the time of fall incident changed to happen on night time. Evaluated the program by reminded nurse to review the Fall Risk whenever patient’s condition changed as well as improving. Provide Bed Alarm system or safety vest for high risk and non-compliance patient, especially at night time.

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