Authors (including presenting author) :
Keung WH(1), Lai KYK(1), Ip CY(1), Lam CW(1), Lee PL(1), Lai SL(1), Lam WS(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Clinical Oncology Department, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong West Cluster
Introduction :
Queen Mary Hospital Clinical oncology out-patient clinic handles approximately 30 new case patients in a session. Because of their unfamiliarity with oncology facilities and practices, the experience can be overwhelming for patients. An orientation leaflet aims to help patient to have a better understanding of the Clinical Oncology services. Patient can understand the follow-up procedures in our out-patient clinic including the booking forms and blood taking procedures through the leaflet. Common enquiries can be answered in the leaflet. The leaflet can help to build up rapport between nurses and patients during in-person explanation by nurses. On the whole, the orientation leaflet can enhance patients' satisfaction with the out-patient clinic experience.
Objectives :
1. To increases patients’ satisfaction during waiting time for doctors’ consultation by providing information about our services, facilities, resources and clinic workflow upon their first visit.
2. To build nurses-patients’ rapport by increase communication.
Methodology :
1. Survey on the common queries and concerns from patients
2. Search for the available resources in various hospitals.
3. Work out an easy-understanding orientation booklet with Q&A session.
4. Start with a pilot trial and evaluate by a pre and post survey.
Result & Outcome :
Pre and post survey concerning the patients’ understanding and satisfaction level of outpatient clinic’s workflow was performed in January 2019. A total of 74 patients were responded in the pre and post survey.
The results showed the majority of patients were strongly satisfied with the orientation leaflet at oncology outpatient department.
For patients’ understanding of the clinic workflow and services was increased from 17% to 93%. Overall 100% patient satisfied with nurses’ attitude. 85% of patients strongly agreed or agreed that explanation of orientation leaflet by nurse can build up good rapport. 93% of patients strongly agreed or agreed to suggest this orientation leaflet to other patients.
Providing specialty-based orientation leaflet can increase patients’ understanding of Clinical Oncology out-patient clinic’s workflow and satisfaction level. Early communication of information helps to establish good relationship with patients and provides an increase in sense of control.