A Guiding Principle on AIRS Submission for Fall Incident in Department of Surgery, Queen Elizabeth Hospital

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan WC(1), Chau LP(1), Chui WC(1), Lee HM(1), Ng SC(1), Tam OM(1), Wong LY(1), Yan KK(1), Woo YS(1), Chan PT(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Surgery, Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Introduction :
Advance Incident Reporting System (AIRS) has been using in health care system for years, fall incident reporting is important to perform root cause analysis of risk factors for accidental falls. Some nurses expressed that they have difficulties in inputting data into AIRS on top of the heavy clinical workload. By providing a general guiding principle on the content for submission of AIRS related to fall incident, it may help frontline nurses to report to the AIRS more efficiently.
Objectives :
• To enhance nurses to report to AIRS efficiently after fall incident • To capture accurate and relevant data from the AIRS with the assistance of the guiding principle
Methodology :
•The AIRS related to fall incidents in QEH Surgical Department from 2018 to 2019 had been retrieved and reviewed. Some AIRS content with duplicated information and inappropriate data input were brought up for discussion during departmental fall link nurses meeting. • A suggested guiding principle had been drafted and discussed in the fall link nurses meeting, it was finalized after several discussions and widespread consultations. • The guiding principle on AIRS submission was published and promulgated by ward fall link nurses on August 2019.
Result & Outcome :
A survey on staff’s perception on the guiding principle of AIRS submission had been conducted in September 2019 in Surgical Department. The results are as follow: Time required to submit AIRS before the guiding principle announced • 20% staff reported that they had never submitted the AIRS related to fall incident; 37% staff reported that they needed more than 30mins on previous AIRS submission. Staff’s perception on the guiding principle of AIRS • 76% staff agreed that the guiding principle can help them to report to AIRS more efficiently • 81% staff believed that the content of the guiding principle is simple to understand and follow • 81% staff agreed that the suggested guiding principle can help them to provide accurate and relevant information without duplication. Conclusion: Staff’s perception on the guiding principle of AIRS submission related to fall is positive. It is believed that the guiding principle of AIRS can provide a clear direction especially to those staff who has never submitted an AIRS related to fall incident before. At this moment, less duplicated information in AIRS report was noted and the appropriateness and effectiveness on AIRS submission is enhanced.

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