Authors (including presenting author) :
Ng CM (1), KC Cheng (1), So YY (1), Woo PH (2), Kwan SF (3), Lo TM (1), Lau FO (1)
Affiliation :
(1) Physiotherapist, Physiotherapy Department, Tai Po Hospital
(2) Health care assistant, Physiotherapy Department, Tai Po Hospital
(3) Personal care assistant, Physiotherapy Department, Tai Po Hospital
Introduction :
The existing caseload distribution based on convenience basis. The patient's allocation had not monitored. Staff might burn-out if the imbalance happened frequently. It reduced the ability to maintain the quality of care and safe practices.
Objectives :
Set up a system to enhance the effectiveness of workload distribution.
Methodology :
Two Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles performed for the workload redistribution. Plan: A SWOT analysis conducted. Seek staff's advice to balance the staff-to-patient ratio. Do: Establishing a pre ratio to monitor the workload distribution. An optimal ratio preset. Total weekly patient attendance recorded. Documented the new patients recruited and old patients discharged. Compare the optimal with the current ratio. Study: Analyzed the SWOT and utilized the ihospital to enhance communication. Act: Balanced the ratio by transferring old cases between staff, and receiving new cases for the under-numbered staff. Set up an electronic transferal system to reassure the handover. A workflow established to maintain the accuracy of the allocation.
Result & Outcome :
From July to September 2018, the discrepancy of the ratio was 22% (-9.3% - 12.6%), and the actual discrepancy of the patient number was 37 (-15.7 – 21.3). The weekly attendance had 40 (23 – 63) variances. After balancing the ratio, and implementing the electronic transferal system, the discrepancy dropped to 3.3% (-1.5 to 1.8%), and the actual discrepancy was 4.5 (-2.2 – 2.3). The variance of weekly attendance reduced to 7.5 (36.5 – 44) from July to September 2019. The system had successfully redistributed the workload. It enhanced morale and promoted the communication of the team.