Authors (including presenting author) :
HY LEE (1), W Y TSANG (1), Y L PANG (1), P K YAO (1), C L YAU (1), W F AU YEUNG(1), S M CHAK (1), Y YEUNG (1), L W WONG(1), Janette KWAN (1), P Y TAI(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Out Patient Department
Introduction :
1. To identify the drawbacks of current logistics on blood taking service - No. of patients were increased from 4Q 2017 to 3Q 2018 (4.8% ) - No. of transactions were increased from 4Q 2017 to 3Q 2018 (3.5%) - Patients with fasting blood and non-fasting blood were unevenly distributed during service hours - Patients agreed to set up blood taking booking service 70.5% 2. To identify the potential physical or psychological hazards on staff from blood taking service - Only 18.42% staff satisfied with the rest time during blood taking duty - 55.26% staff frequently overtime - 81.58% staff felt fatigue/stress - Staff agreed to set up blood taking booking service 89.48%
Objectives :
1. To facilitate patient’s flow of blood taking 2. To enhance staff well-being and experience
Methodology :
Collect the data and feedbacks via patients and staff questionnaire
Result & Outcome :
1. Patient’s flow of blood taking was improved in this trial phase. Fasting blood patients were arranged in the morning session and the non-fasting blood patients were booked in the afternoon session. Patients were satisfied with the booking system. The problems of overcrowding and long waiting time in the blood taking service were alleviated 2. 98.5% patient satisfied with the booking system 3. Staff well-being was enhanced overall - The overtime situation was improved - The experience of fatigue/stress was reduced 4.Staff experience (March 2019) - Satisfied with the rest time during blood taking duty (from 18.42% increased to 37.5%) - Staff frequently overtime(from 55.26% decreased to 31.26%) - Staff felt fatigue/stress (from 81.58% decreased to 62.5%)