Authors (including presenting author) :
Law WK(1), Ma TC(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Tuberculosis and Chest Medicine, Grantham Hospital
Introduction :
Syringe pump is a highly accurate and low volume device for a low rate infusion of medication. It is commonly used to administrate the high alert medication, such as neuromuscular blocking agents, narcotic agent, sedation agents and insulin, which have a high risk of causing significant patient harm. Errors in using syringe pump would compromise patient safety and result in serious injury and death to patient. With different patient nature, syringe pump is not commonly used in TBCU as compared with ICU and operation theatre. Errors in using syringe pump may associate with infrequently use of the device and pose potential risks to patient. A competency test was conducted to 20 TBCU nurses prior to the improvement measures. The result showed that 35% of the participates made at least one critical error in operating the syringe pump, especially on loading syringe and performing bolus infusion.
Objectives :
1. Explore the improvement measures to enhance the safety of using syringe pump. 2. Raise the awareness of TBCU nurses on errors and safety issues related to syringe pump. 3. Enhance the competency of using syringe pump among TBCU nurses
Methodology :
1. A step by step quick guide on operating syringe pump was developed. 2. A small quick guide was attached on the syringe pump for quick reference in emergency situation. 3. Demonstration video was developed for periodic self-directed revision. 4. QR code was attached on the syringe pump for accessing the quick guide and demonstration video by using smartphone. 5. Common used buttons on the syringe pump were labelled to avoid confusion. 6. A 10 minutes education session was conducted to TBCU nurses with emphasis on the importance of correct use of infusion pump and potential danger to patients if errors are made.
Result & Outcome :
87 TBCU nurses completed the education session and scored 100% on return demonstration of using the syringe pump. They also found the improvement measures are useful and convenient for them to review.