Authors (including presenting author) :
Wong MN(1), Wong YH(2), Tebby Lee(3), Wing Lee(3)
Affiliation :
(1)Operating Room, United Christian Hospital, KEC, (2)Operating Room, United Christian Hospital, (3)Information Technology Department, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
When a beloved undergoes the surgical operation, family members, caregivers or friends are eager to know the patient’s operative status. They have since always allowed to stay outside the operating theatre for any enquiries. Importantly, they feel anxiously and desperately while waiting. In order to address this, a smart system is developed which integrated with the existing Operating Theatre Management System (OTMS) and Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) for notifying operative patient status.
Objectives :
To alleviate the anxiety of patients’ family members, caregivers or friends while waiting for the patients’ surgical operation in perioperative setting.
Methodology :
“OR Phone” enables users to utilize a phone to track the updated operative status in perioperative setting on the day of the patients’ operation, including ‘In preparation for the operation’, ‘In the operating theatre’, ‘In the recovery room’ and ‘ Already left the operating room’, even ‘Operation has been cancelled’. In addition to the users’ self-service tracking the patients’ status, the users can be self-determined receiving the patients’ status by an auto-notification function which enabling faster messages transmission. Meanwhile, the dashboard is provided the visible patients’ status information in the Day Surgery Centre and Operating Room. The value of the intelligence gleaned from “OR Phone” can be maximized by combining it with ‘Self-service, Self-determined, Anytime and anywhere’ to optimize user's accessibility. In March 2019, the “OR Phone” started roll-out by phases. The implementation was applied in all specialties for Day Surgery, Same Day and Elective in-patients in June 2019. Also, the service has been extended for Emergency operation patient since June 2020.
Result & Outcome :
“OR Phone” has been covered most of the ultra-major and major among specialties to provide the latest and timely patients’ status. 92% of users strongly agreed this service was able to alleviate the anxiety while waiting for patients’ surgery. All agreed the status information could reduce the frequent visiting to hospital for enquiries. 100% of users highly appreciated its simplicity and accessibility, and gained a higher overall satisfaction rating. Furthermore, all of the nursing staff members willingly agreed and supported this smart idea to streamline and minimize the staff members to check the operative patient status. Importantly, this service enhances the better service to our patients and relatives.