Minimal clinical importance difference (MCID) and minimal detectable change (MDC) of 6-Meter Timed Walk (6MTW) and Timed Up and Go Test (TUG) on stroke patients underwent day rehabilitation

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Leung KN(1)(2),Chan KL(1)(2),Chan WC(2),Hui HY(1)(2),Lam WM(1),Leung SY(2),Mok SS(1),Pang HY(1)(2),Wah SH(1),Yeung TL(1)(2)
Affiliation :
(1)Medical Geriatric Rehabilitation Centre, Haven of Hope Hospital, (2)Physiotherapy Department, Haven of Hope Hospital
Introduction :
6-Meter Timed Walk (6MTW) and Timed Up and Go Test (TUG) are two commonly used assessment tools in evaluation of walking ability and balance of stroke patients. However, their minimum clinically important difference (MCID) and minimum detectable change (MDC) on stroke patients are unknown.
Objectives :
The purpose of this pilot study was to estimate the MCID and MDC of 6MTW and TUG on sub-acute stroke patients underwent day rehabilitation.
Methodology :
Subjects with principal diagnosis of stroke and with modified Functional Ambulatory Category (mFAC) V or above were recruited. 6MTW and TUG were measured in initial assessment and after 4-weeks rehabilitation. The mean changes of 6MTW and TUG were correlated with the 5-point Global Rating Change scores (GRC) and mFAC. MCID were calculated by using Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) curves. MDC were estimated by standard error in distributed-based method.
Result & Outcome :
39 subjects participated in the study. MCID of gait speed in 6MTW anchored with Subject and Therapist GRC were 0.065m/s (95% CI=0.571-0.968) and 0.085m/s (95% CI=0.311-0.927) respectively. MDC of gait speed in 6MTWwas 0.087m/s. The MCID of TUG anchored with Subject and Therapist GRC were 3.37s (95% CI=0.461-0.920) and 3.76s (95% CI=0.402-0.886) respectively. The MDC of TUG was 10.6s. The MCID of gait speed in 6MTW anchored to change in mFAC was 0.074m/s (95% CI=0.511-0.906).

Conclusion: We estimated the MCID and MDC of gait speed (m/s) in 6MTW and time (seconds) in TUG with various anchors. These results could give a preliminary estimation of the minimal important and meaningful change in gait speed in 6MWT and time in TUG which could use to interpret patients’ response and monitor the rehabilitation progress of subacute stroke patients.

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