Innovative program for post-operative care to colorectal patients: sit right, sit longer, patients and nurses happier

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Yu HY (1), Leung TY (1), Liu LW (1), Lam CP (1), Wong SL (1), Chui ST (1)
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Surgery, Prince of Wales Hospital
Introduction :
Patients undergone rectal surgeries usually complain of anal pain and refuse sitting out of bed post-operatively. Nurses always spend time in explaining the significance of mobilization and gaining patients’ cooperation in the treatment plan. In general, patients would use different types of own device, for example, neck pillow, buoy or donut type cushions to act as soft pad while sitting out of bed during hospitalization. However, these might affect venous return and lymphatic drainage and induce pressure injury or even disrupt perianal wound healing. An innovative medical device of self-adjusted pressure cushion in channel-shaped was introduced to enhance care quality. It allows patients to control the pressure to fit individual pelvis contour and relieve perianal pain and reduce post-operative complication.
Objectives :
1) To promote patients’ comfortability and pain relief during post-operatively period
2) To reduce the workload of nurse in health education and facilitate delivering the service smoothly
Methodology :
Thirty patients with rectal surgeries performed were recruited by convenience sampling from October to December 2020 in Department of Surgery, PWH. A self-administered questionnaire including demographic information and 5 items of 4-point Likert scale question on seating comfortability, pain relief and recommendation to others was used. The other anonymous self-report questionnaire with 4 items of 4-point Likert scale question which related to the nurses’ comments on the usage of device and effectiveness in patient care were distributed to total twenty-two ward nurses.
Result & Outcome :
100% of patients thought the new channel-shaped cushion was good and excellent. Over 80% of patients expressed that the device markedly reduced their perianal pain while sitting out of bed. They stated that the device enabled them to have longer sitting during post-operative period. And all of them would recommend the device to others. In the nurses’ survey, 100% agreed the device facilitating patients sitting longer. 90% expressed that the device was user-friendly. And most of them agreed the device reduced the time of explanation. Overall satisfaction score was excellent.

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