Authors (including presenting author) :
NG CY(1), HO SM(1), NG YB(2), TSO YK(2)
Affiliation :
(1) Ward 13A, Department of Medicine & Geriatrics, United Christian Hospital
(2) Department of Medicine & Geriatrics, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
During the COVID-19 pandemic, frequent turnover of patients induce many administrative works which are unavoidable such as communication with different parties. Moreover, many new staff members are deployed to the isolation ward regularly according to the hospital deployment policy. They may not familiar with the isolation ward practice. Consequently, it is necessary to simplify the basic care and management workflow to enhance patient care efficiency.
Objectives :
1. To establish a standard and clear workflow for new admission, laboratory investigation, university study and discharge management
2. To align the practice for better patient management and care
Methodology :
o Streamline Basic Care and Management workflow
1. Introduce “Notice on Admission to Isolation ward” to patient including the environment orientation, delivery and bed arrangement.
2. Create a investigations checklist
- List requirement and institutional studies and according to chronology during hospitalization
- Individualized care pathway and investigation reminder for each confirmed COVID 19 case
3. Table the key investigations and results at one form for easy reference and follow up
4. Create a discharge checklist and health advice for confirmed COVID-19 case
- Checklist including discharge criteria, termination of isolation order, follow up arrangement, patient preparation
- Provide general explanation on infectious status and health advice
o Simplify the transportation of confirmed case workflow during admission
Coordinate with the Hospital Administrative team to simplify the transportation workflow. Isolation wards could contact the security coordinator and he would arrange the remaining logistic such as designated route and lift for direct admission.
Result & Outcome :
Evaluation was done after implementation of streamline workflow. The workflow and information provided are aligned and structured. Time used for further explanation is largely reduced. The probability of missing investigation is reduced. New deployed staff can catch up the routine and understand the workflow easily. All staff expressed that they are very satisfied with the streamline workflow, mainly stating that they can focus on patient care than administrative work.
Unknown disease, new treatment and high admission rate all bring tremendous stress to frontline staff. To conclude, streamlining the workflow facilitated staff to provide patient management and care more systematically and confidently. Patients can receive aligned care and information, benefiting both staff and care receivers.